Chapter Ten - Hunter

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In a house on the edge of a mountaintop,  with stunning views he stood, tall, dark, brooding.  The shine of the sunlight hurt his eyes, but the specially tinted windows shielded him from the truly dangerous part of the sun for him, the ultraviolet rays.    He had sent that cruel set of images to her, to toy with her.  As the cat taunts the mouse, so he taunted Sariah.   

All those years, he mused.  He remembered that night all over again, relished the stark terror in the girl's eyes, but mostly he was drawn to the spark of anger, the flame of courage which had her denying him at his most compulsive.    Gareth smiled wickedly.  He hadn't really expected to come across this development, his focus had been to prepare himself to meet his mate again.  Brianna, he thought, comparing the two in his mind's eye.   Sleek, silvery blonde and lethal as he was.  Her beauty as a Vampire had taken his heart by storm.   She sought his destruction, he knew this, even now as he probed her mind, read her fury, her cunning.   Smart decision to take a human thrall, he thought with a grin.     He'd underestimated her completely and he would have to remember that when they reunited.   

But Sariah, he thought, a completely different challenge.   He didn't desire to turn her, or bind her to him in the way he had Brianna.  She was total temptation in a different way.    What an addition she could make to his private collection.   What she could add to his world that he did not possess, and could not possess, even with his mate.    Laughter bubbled to his lips and he moved silently through the house.   

She'd tried to shield him and failed, he smiled.  She'd underestimated his own power.   Now that she knew he could access her mind at any moment and find her anytime he so chose the challenge to acquire her rose that much more.   And if there was one thing Gareth loved above all else it was the hunt.   Hundreds of years had honed him to a weapon of impossible cunning, intelligence and stealth. 

She only had a small inkling of what he planned where she was concerned.   And both her and the muscle bound fool she traveled with had already made grave errors in assumption.  They , as most did, assumed he could not face any sunlight at all.   Grinning as he unlocked the room he was preparing as a temporary holding facility he strode in, took in the sumptuous furnishings, the large bed in the center, the heavy iron rings in the walls.      Yes, he thought, the hunt would begin in earnest, but when they least expected it......

Running a hand over the silken bed covering he sent an image to her............The hunt was on, and he was hungry.......

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