Chapter Twelve: Running

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Both Harleys raced on through the afternoon sun, their riders grim faced  in the rushing wind.  As soon as Sariah was able to they determined they needed to return to the motel, pack up and find a more secure location for protection and to plan.  While she wasn't particularly wanting to bunk with him, Sariah knew Slade was right when he insisted they stay together.   They needed to be alert at all times, for he was waiting, and they both knew it. 

Back at the motel the humid tropical weather beat down on the baked earth, steam rising in pockets and the smell of vegetation strong.   Clouds in the distance darkened, threatening a storm, as if the elements themselves sensed the danger all around.   A rumble of thunder rolled over the land as they parked their bikes and went to clear out the rooms.  Slade immediately called a local real estate agent he knew, working to find a suitable base of operations.  

Sariah hurriedly stuffed clothes in her duffel bag, not bothering with folding, just shoving everything in.   There had been no other whispers of the monster since they'd come back, but her fear was tangible.  He had her nerves on edge, and she was as jumpy as a nervous colt.  She couldn't, and didn't want to , think about her reaction to the ghostly touch on her arm.  Shaking her head she zipped the duffel and went to grab her phone, stopping dead when she saw the black rose on the pillow, a onyx satin ribbon tied around it.   A folded paper lay beneath and she reached out with trembling fingers, scanning the room with nervous eyes. 

"My Sariah, " the note began, handwritten in an elegant old world script, " How very delightful to have sensed your true desires today.   It is my intention that we should meet again.   Whether you choose to follow what is in your soul or I choose to take you as I see fit remains to be seen.  Rest assured though, pretty eyes, it will be very soon either way, and it will be memorable.....and what began years ago will come to a satisfying conclusion....for both of us."

The note was signed Gareth.    

Through the horror sparked anger.   Damn him......she fumed, about to crumple the paper in her fingers when she stopped.   Much as she hated to, she had to show this to Slade.   The monster had a name did he?   Well, she thought, slinging the duffel over her shoulder and dropping the rose in the trash, she'd see Gareth burn in hell before whatever he planned ever came to fruition. 

Slade was strapping a satchel to his bike when Sariah stormed from the room.  He saw the ivory paper in her hand as she thrust it out to him.  Frowning as he scanned the few lines he looked up at her.  "How did he?" he she cut him off saying, "Not now Slade, we've already lost time and now we have the weather coming in.  Did you find anywhere suitable?"

Shoving the note in his jean pocket he looked at the rapidly approaching storm and black swirling clouds, cringing as jagged lightning forked the sky.  He looked at her and said, "My buddy knows of one place that will work, at least for now.   It's been under construction and off market for awhile.  He gave me directions and told me where to find the key, but it's about an hour's ride from here north."

She nodded,  tying down her own bag and jumping on the bike.  Kicking it to snarling life she waited to follow Slade's lead.    He looked around one time, checking to be sure he didn't see anything out of the ordinary.  Swinging a leg over his bike he started it and swung out of the parking lot towards the seaside road away from the town.     The wind began to pick up as the storm approached, and as they began down the road, the world opening up into long, sandy beaches and crashing waves the first fat raindrops fell from the sky.    

It is never ideal to ride a motorcycle in the rain, and almost suicidal in a thunderstorm.   The scattered rain quickly turned into a driving downpour, soaking both riders to the skin.  Carefully they rode out of town and followed the winding shoreline away from the rain forests and into the open coastal plains.    It was difficult at best to see as they rode, headlights barely cutting through the darkness and swirling rain.  The lighting snapped like jagged teeth all around and the thunder crashed explosively.    Sariah followed Slade cautiously, ready to steady her bike as it powered through the large puddles that quickly collected over the road.   A mistake here would mean certain death, and she wasn't about to make one if she could help it. 

They rode farther north, well away from the areas they had investigated before.  Rain pounded down in a torrent as the tropical moisture charged the storm above them.   Slade risked it to raise a hand to wipe water from his eyes and focused on the curves before them.   He knew Sariah was just behind him and kept his speed at a moderate pace.  

 Well over  an hour later they cleared the storm and rode out into the late afternoon light, dripping wet and warm from the rapid temperature increase out of the rain.   Just ahead he saw where the road split, one branch running right along the coastline, and the other rising up toward the only mountainous area on the island.  It was here he rode, remembering the directions.  His friend Paolo had told him he'd know when he saw the compound.   Up they climbed, engines roaring as they went higher above the island.   A vista spread out before them and the trees thinned to reveal an iron fence and two houses on the bluff.   One had a for sale sign on it and the other was in darkness, it's tinted windows showing no light in them. 

Slade drew to a stop by an imposing gate, tapped in a code and it slid noiselessly open to admit them.   They rode in and parked under a carport near the house that was for sale.  Sariah stepped off her bike, sodden, exhausted and mentally ready to collapse.   "This is it?" she said, looking at the luxurious home with the single light burning within.  

Slade nodded, stepping over to a iron horse statue.  It its mouth he found the door key.  "Heck of a view though, right?  I don't know about you but I could use a shower."  Unlocking the door he stepped inside, noting the construction work in the spacious kitchen. 

Sariah nodded, flipping lights on as she went, making sure windows were locked and the drapes drawn tightly closed.   It was nearly evening and they had to prepare.   The flight from town in the pouring rain had taken the last of her strength, and she needed dry clothes and sleep.   She worried that she hadn't felt any whisper of Gareth since this morning, and wondered what that meant.    She peered out at the view of the ocean far below and then looked at the house next to them.  It appeared completely deserted, which was best if there was to be a bloody fight, the less innocents around, the better.   She let the curtain fall and headed up the stairs, seeking which room would be hers.

Gareth's eyes, well used to the dimness gleamed as he saw her tired face peering from the curtains.   His lips rose in a savage smile and his fangs glinted.   This was going to be enjoyable beyond his imaginings.......he would come for her in the morning perhaps......perhaps he would wait.....watching his quarry a little longer......He turned to a man sitting in the living room and said, "You've done well my bidding.  I will make it hurt less"  and drained the lifeblood of the hapless Paolo......

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