Chapter Five-Change

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Gareth moved silently through the night air, his senses tingling.   This was a very unexpected development, he mused, streaking through the night on the gossamer wings of the bat he had transformed into.   He knew  to approach his new target from the highest angle, but he would be able to see her again without detection.   

As soon as he'd felt the probe of his memories, and allowed her to see what he wanted her to see, he'd shuttered his mind like a steel trap.   This arrival, after all these years, changed everything.    He could ill afford to attract Brianna to himself now, not with her around.  Several miles off from the small village he'd left destroyed he alighted on a branch on a tall tree.   

Focusing his inner mind he reached out, and was immediately rewarded with the vision he sought.  Sariah was more powerful now then she'd been back then, he saw that immediately.  Surprisingly he was not immune to how beautiful a woman she'd become.   He had assumed he would be, considering his powerful attraction to his new made mate.  

Watching as she picked herself up from the ground, strode away from the muscle bound blonde man she was with he flitted from the tree he hid in, flying closer.   How close could he get, he wondered, before she would feel his presence?    The sweltering thick air was home to him as he glided to the clearing edge, changing back into the long limbed man he took as his regular form.  In the darkness he blended in, silent as the grave, listening to them talk.  

Slade looked at Sariah,  knowing full well the danger in their situation.  "It's pretty much as I figured.   You'll lead him right back to us.   We'll have to be ready for him.   But if he's creating thralls we have got a way bigger problem here.  You can't contain a newborn vamp saw what happened in Spain eight years ago.  How many were slaughtered there before we got to that monster? "

Sariah was about to respond when she felt him.  Felt him like an electric shock, like touching a hot wire fence and feeling the zing.   Eyes widening she whirled , seeking the darkness with her violet gaze.    Suddenly her mind filled with a smooth, silky voice, warm like honey but with a sinister tone to it.....

"Sariah......after all these years......" he fairly purred in her mind, telepathically sending his message even as he escaped into the night.  "You look beautiful my time you won't have the opportunity to react.......I'll see you soon lovely one...." 

Sariah knew even as she raced into the trees that he was gone.....the arrogant bastard he was!  He'd come close enough to touch her if he'd felt like it, of that she was sure.   The whisper of his voice in her mind was a violation, he knew it as well as she did.  And she was equally sure he was amused by it.    

Slade caught up with her by their bikes.  "What!?" he asked, grabbing her arm. 

Sariah looked at him, black hair fanning about her face.  "It was Him..." she said, "So close he could have killed us both if he'd wanted to." 

Slade stepped back, eyes scanning the trees.  Grim faced he stepped onto his bike.  "Let's get back to town" he said, "He's going to want a war and we'll soon be able to give him one"

Sariah nodded, jumping on her Harley and starting the engine.   The two hunters drove off into the night as the rumble of thunder filled the air.       Just behind them, on the wind flew Gareth, fangs bared in a smile.   Yes, he thought....tonight had brought a change in his plans, but not an unpleasant one.    He saw her face again, those incredible lavender eyes burning into the trees looking for him.   What a diversion she would be before he could be with Brianna!   

Laughing he headed away , black cloak flying around him as he soared towards his local lair.   He wouldn't wait long, he thought, eyes blazing.....

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