Chapter Twenty: The Kiss

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Sariah stayed in the bathroom for some time, her head cradled in her hands.   She knew he would be back soon and she dreaded his arrival.  She couldn't be sure if he'd sent that erotic vision to her, or she'd had it all on her own.   Frowning she stood, numbly pulling on the jeans and button up shirt he'd folded neatly for her.   Looking at herself in the wide expanse of mirror she took in the troubled eyes, the definite pink color in her cheeks.    She looked wanton, she though miserably, finding a hair tie to secure her hair up and out of her face.    Purposefully trying to downplay her looks she left the shirt untucked, hoping in some way it would hide her curving figure from his devilish gaze.  

She jumped as a firm knock on the door rapped her from her thoughts.  "Sariah, I have your dinner prepared, I assume you would like to eat out of this room, would you not?"  came his silky voice, all sensual and seductive.   

Swallowing hard she forced herself to open the door and step into the bedroom.   Gareth's eyes took her in slowly, and she grit her teeth, refusing to meet his look.     Nodding to him she moved into the bedroom, staying as far away from him as she could.   Gareth knew already that she was feeling the strong pull that ran between them, and he knew, only a little prodding would tip her towards him.   Smiling, he opened the bedroom door, stepped back to allow her to walk before him.   "Come, I'm sure you are famished, and I have had a feast prepared for you, little one" he said, watching her stalk past him quickly, keeping her eyes averted. 

Sariah moved as quickly as she could out of that horrid room, that room that spoke of the act of love in every way.  It was almost a relief to be in the stark, expressionless compound again, as she walked down the hall and then down the stairs to the main floor.    Here Gareth clapped his hands and two men appeared.   Both were dressed in livery as if servants from a fine hotel, and they led her to a spacious dining room with a contemporary white composite table and chairs.   

Her mouth began to water as the smell of succulent meat rose from the table.   The men removed silver covers from the plates on the table and she sat before one.   It was roasted leg of lamb in a dark sauce and it smelled like heaven.   Sariah dug in wordlessly, taking notice as Gareth sat next to her at an empty place setting.   

He watched her eat, derived a strange pleasure in her enjoyment of her food.  He hadn't expected her to be willing to eat near him and was pleased to see that she did.   Sariah ate voraciously,  aware that she'd barely eaten in the past 36 hours.  She reached for the glass of red wine that sparkled nearby, and took a deep drink.   Pushing her plate away she sighed, feeling a bit better for the food now in her stomach.    Gareth looked at her, replete from her meal and felt the stab of desire again.  Why he was so drawn to this woman he didn't fully understand himself, but he must have her, he had to sample the taste of those full, delicious lips.    And, he mused, brow raising slightly, it had to be her impulse to begin, not his.   

Sariah looked at him, forced herself to.   As soon as those black eyes sparkled at her she felt a sharp pull, an insistent urge to be closer to him.   With a shaking voice she said, "Stop it Gareth...just stop it. "   

Looking at her curiously he asked, "Stop what my dear?   I'm not doing anything.  Just watching you enjoy yourself, as you should. "  

Sariah pushed up from the table, moving away from it, from him as quickly as she could without actually running.   Why did she feel this way?   It was like all her life she'd been asleep, wrapped in the dark, and his simple  presence set her on fire and brought her to life.    She'd just reached the steps when his cold hand wrapped around her arm, twirling her into his body.   

Aching with need, her entire system overloaded she stumbled into his arms, surrounded by his unearthly scent, his strong body and engulfed in his velvet stare.   Unable to stop herself her arms drew him to her, she raised herself towards him, the burn in her so insistent, so urgent, that she had to sample his lips, had to feel them on hers.    Desire banked and grew as he lowered his mouth to hers, and their lips met.   It was like nothing she had ever experienced, not in her entire life.  His kiss tore her apart, a mere kiss had her yearning for every bit of him.   Her mouth moved under his as his tongue toyed with hers.  Deeper he kissed her, and felt the wonder of her passionate response.    His hand slid to cover her breast, firm and delicate in his hand.  He felt her nipple stiffen as he rolled his thumb over it, and he smiled against her lips.   

Sariah was lost in a pleasure all consuming, just from a single, powerful kiss.   Their mouths mated with each other, tongues dancing in the language of love, foreshadowing what was surely coming this night, when their bodies joined as one for the first time.   Need so urgent it shook her to the core hit her, and she melted against him.   She craved his lips on hers, craved the incredible taste of him, so foreign, but so right.    Gasping she pulled herself away a bit and their eyes met.   Gareth was overcome with the power of the desire he felt, her kiss had him ready to do anything for her.  It was a powerful, intoxicating drug, far more  intoxicating than any blood he'd ever drunk.    He met her eyes, waited, raging desire swirling between them.   

Her eyes gave him the assent he was looking for, and, without a word, he swept her up into his arms and moved assuredly up the stairs and down the hall, their eyes locked on each other......

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