Chapter Seven-The Dream

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The veil of mist wound its way around the inside of the room, wafting in from a wide thrown window.    Gossamer curtains blew in the breeze, flapping in the darkness with an occasional sharp snap.    Sariah opened her eyes, shivering at the cold of the room.    Momentarily disoriented she looked about and recognized her own bedroom from her first apartment in Italy  years ago.    She smelled the sweet verbena that grew in abundance, heard the night calling through the open window.     As she rose from the bed she noted one lone candle burning low on her alabaster dressing table.   

Curious, she moved to look outside.   How she'd gotten here she couldn't quite remember, but she did recall her college days, being lucky enough to spend them in a small Tuscan village called Barga, set high in the  hills, surrounded by the most spectacular views in all of Italy.   Nothing had changed since she'd last seen this room.  The smells were the same, the sounds unchanged, save one.   

She felt his presence nearby, heard the soft whisper from the balcony.  "Such beauty, such glory, what a shame to waste such brilliance on such meager things.." he said softly. 

No alarm raised in her, just a deep curiosity borne of a long dormant inquisitive nature.   Her night gown flowed around her in a pool of deep blue, setting off her dark hair and exotic eyes.   She stepped to the glass french door, swung it wide and stepped out onto the moonlit porch, eyes adjusting to the dim light.     Immediately he materialized at the other end of the balcony, dressed all in black, hands holding a single rose in a  blood red color.    Around the rose was tied a length of black silk ribbon, and he twirled the flower as he stood there, watching her. 

Sariah felt the pull, felt it keenly throughout her body.    She stood there in defiance however and kept distance between them.    He was like a dark god, long hair reaching to his shoulders, pale face shining with those glittering black eyes of his, taunting her, tempting her at the same time. 

He smiled, fangs glinting, moved toward her, step by step.  There was little caution in his movement now, the apex predator approaching the prey.     Before he reached her he stretched the rose out to her and spoke in that deep timber that was appealing beyond any voice she'd ever heard.  "Take this...a rose for a rose.   It pales in comparison to your beauty Sariah..."

Her hand reached out, grasped the stem of the rose.  A thorn pricked her finger and she jerked her hand back, a small spot of crimson dripping from it.   She saw the flat look in his eyes as he scented her blood, and he was upon her.    Unable to prepare she was in his arms, strong as banded steel.    Curiously she felt no fear as those fangs dipped closer to her, his eyes fixed on hers.....Certain of her death she glared at him defiantly, refusing to allow the fear  in her heart to win, for him to win....

His laughter shocked her as, instead of sinking those vicious fangs into her throat he softly pressed his lips to hers.  Lighting shot through her body as his mouth claimed hers, and she trembled like a leaf in a thunderstorm.   His hands swept up her back, pulling her deeper into his kiss.    It was like nothing she'd ever experienced before, the incredible taste of his lips, the skill of his touch.   She wanted more, so much more, and realized he was more than happy to comply with what she truly wanted.....

In the dark, humid little motel room Sariah jerked awake, breath coming in pants.   She was sweating and tangled in the sheets of the cheap hotel bed.    Slowly reality returned to her, the early morning light peeking through the thick drapes on the industrial windows.   Wiping a hand across her damp brow, pushing back her hair she dropped her face into her hands and shook her head.   What had that been?  she wondered.   

It had been a completely insane dream she realized, and in part she knew that the monster had been real, had insinuated himself into her mind while she slept.   Shivering she jumped out of bed and tossed open the curtains, the dawn breaking bringing her some comfort.    Just another perk of being special, she fumed.   The monsters of the world all sought her as if she were a drug to them, because of her rarity, because of the woman she was.   Angry now, Sariah tossed on the clothes she'd worn the night before, pulling her thick hair back into a tight ponytail.    

She knew now the route this vampire would take, and how hard it would be to fight him.   She had been right.  He had wanted her in every way, but not as a play toy or even as a thrall.  And that, she would not allow.    Grimly smiling, Sariah yanked open the door to the motel and strode out, heading to find Slade.   

In the darkness of his hidden lair Gareth smiled in his sleep.  The game had indeed begun, and he thought, would be enjoyable until he secured a very pleasant victory.......

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