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After ultron picked up the Vibranium, I talked to the girl I kind of like.. Who is a member of the avengers, which I hate.. I searched her up, apparently the call her silver knight.. and that costume was just her old one my god her new costume is just armor..So we went to Helen cho so Ultron could make another body for him now how fun? He used the scepter against her controlling her mind to listen to him..

in Korea, Cho is creating a new body for Ultron.. something in my gut is telling me not to follow through with it but my mind is making me do it..

"It's beautiful.." Helen Said as I analyzed what was going on..

"The Vibranium atoms aren't just compatible with the tissue cells, they're binding them. And SHIELD never even thought of using This for anything useful." I Said As they all looked at me in surprise of my knowledge of the matter..

"The most versatile substance on the planet and they used it to make a Frisbee. Typical of humans, they scratch the surface and never think to look within... Only exceptions were with you Three." Ultron said as soon..Ultron breaks open the scepter's blue gem and a yellow gem that was inside floats out and lands in his hand. He places it in the head of the body..

"A gem? It's power I feel it.." Wanda said as she grew a connection to the Yellow gem as her hands glowed red.

"Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral" Helen spoke..

"I can read him. He is dreaming.." Wanda said smiling softly as She stood beside me something wasn't right about this and I some how some way felt it stinging me.

"I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base-"

"His base consciousness, his memories and all he knows." I said..

"Exactly! It's Informational noise, soon-"

"How soon? I'm not being pushy." Ultron said as Wanda clasped her hands with mine and tapped onto the metal being as I felt what she felt.. destruction and annihilation I knew something wasn't right..

All ultron wants is a word full of metal He wants to kill us and everyone here..

"How could you?" I asked him angry.

"How could I What?" He asked me.

"You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world." Wanda said.

"It will be better.." ultron responded.

"Yeah? When everyone's fucking dead?" I Said angry as my hands flowed green.

"That is not...! The human race will have every opportunity to improve-" ultron said.

"And if they don't?" Pietro said..

"Ask Noah." He responded.

"Your a Madman!" Wanda said.

"Can't believe we ever frickin trusted you!" I yelled.

"There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it, and believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak." Ultron said

"And who decides who's weak?" Pietro said as I noticed while Ultron was distracted Wanda Broke Helen of the trance..

"Life. Life always decides. There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move." Ultron said as I signaled for them to go.. I can take ultron on myself..

"That's not a problem." Helen says as Ultron blast Cho as Wanda and Pietro run off as I told them to.

"Try me, I can Destroy you!" I said as I lifted myself up Sort of flying as my hands glowed green.

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