Double trouble

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Colby's POV-
   I go to pick up jack, it's only 6:30 so I decided to stop by McDonald's and grab her and I some food.
Colby's phone-
Jack: Hey I'm ready ;)
Colby: Alright I'll be there in 5

5 minutes later

I arrive at her house and shoot her a text saying I'm here. She walks out in a dark camo green romper that splits down the middle showing cleavage, it has a belt around her waist showing off her curves, she has tan high heals on, she has her hair down and split down the middle so it's even on both sides, she has light make up on. She looks beautiful.

  She opens the door "Hey" she says sitting down, "Hey I got you mcdonalds" she looks at me and smiles "I like a man who keeps his word." I hand her the food I bought her. I can't stop looking at her, she looks so amazing.

"Colby" I connect my eyes with hers, "are you ok" "ya I am it's just you look really good" she blushes and looks down at her burger. "You ready to go to the trap house?" She nods her head yes and I start to drive away.

Jakes POV-
  "Yo where's the peanut butter" I scream throughout the house. "How should I know I'm not the one who used it last" Corey says walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. I flip him off and continue looking for the peanut butter, and imma find it because I want food. I look in Aaron's cabinet and I find it. "Fucking Aaron" I say smacking peanut butter in my slice of bread.

    "Where are they" Sam says walking down the stairs with Katrina, I shrug my shoulders. "Why didn't you pick her up also when you got Katrina" I ask, "because I was with Sam" Katrina says trying to balance on one of the penny boards. I finish making my sandwich and I put everything away and hear the door open. "Finally" we all say.

I grab my sandwich and I hear Katrina scream. "AHHHHH JACKKKKK YESS BITCH YOU LOOK SOOOO FINE" I walk over to them and I almost literally lose my breath. Who the fuck is she.

Jacks POV-
"Are you ready" colby asks me pulling into the trap house drive way. "I think so" I say taking my belt off and grabbing my purse. We get out of the car and Colby kisses my lips softly "am I the only one in my outfit for tonight" I ask him hugging him before we enter the house. "Well the girls are probably ready" he says jokingly.

When he opens the door all I hear is Katrina screaming at me "AHHHHH JACKKKKK YESS BITCH YOU LOOK SOOOO FINE." I give her a little twirl and she comes over to me and hugs me very tightly. Colby walks over to the other people in the house and I walk with him as Katrina whistle at me. "Jack this is Corey and Jake" he tells me as I reach my hand out to shake both of their hands.

First I reach for Corey's hand, he's a little more heavy then the rest of them and he also has a very nice man bun. When I shake Jakes hand I notice he's like a little Colby just a little bit, he's emo and has colored hair like Colby. He's definitely more shy than Colby tho. "Nice to meet you guys" I say to them as they smile at me.

I see Sam and hug him "hey Sam how are you" I say as he embraces my hug. "Hey Jack I'm good" he replies to me very sweetly. "Alright so it's 7 so we should leave at 7:30" Colby says to the group, "I'll go see if Devyn's ready" Corey says heading up stairs "I gotta go change" Colby says "dido" jake and Sam say.

The boys go up stairs and I'm left with Kat, "soooo what's going on between you and king emo" she says giggling at me. "Umm I'm not entirely sure but I think he's cute and I kinda like him" "has anything happened yet?" She doesn't really need to know anything just yet so I just shake my head no.

After a couple of minutes the boys come down stairs and Colby comes straight over to me with a smirk. "What's that smirk for?" I whisper in his ear and all he does is just squeezes my ass. I hear high heals coming down the stairs and my attention is towards them. A beautiful girl comes down Im guessing that's Devyn. "Hey you must be Jack" she heads over towards me and hugs me. "Yea I am you must be Devyn" "guilty" she says.

"Alright guys are we ready?" Corey asks us, we all nod. He orders us two Uber's so we can all just have fun. In a few minutes they show up. Colby Sam Kat and I go in one and the others go into the other Uber. We get to the club, when we enter I instantly drag Colby to the bar. "I think I'm having Déjà vu" I say to him winking at him. He smirks and bites his lip, we head into a room.

The others join us and we all get to talking. After a couple of drinks us girls decide to go dance as the boys sit at a table and watch us. I get really deep into the music and bodies dancing. The girls leave and I'm still there dancing. I feel a body behind me that grabs my waist. Mmm Colby god damn it. I thought it was Colby so I continued to dance on him then all of a sudden I hear a familiar voice say. "Hey baby long time no see"

A/N: hey guys I decided to do a new kind of format for my story, I have a lot of ideas for this story so it's gonna get more and more interesting. But anyways...who do you think Jack ran into? Is this person bad or good? I promise you will find out soon because I'm really excited for it so I'll probably post later today or early tomorrow❤️

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