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When I woke up I didn't feel the safe strong arms around me. Did he even come home.

I feel so horrible, probably because I cried myself to sleep. Alone.

I couldn't believe everything Micheal did, he was going to kill me, but he killed two others instead. He ruined so many families lives.

I sit up and see West laying on the ground. I reach my arm down and pet him. He looks up and me and I pat the bed for him to come up.

He lays next to me as I'm sitting with my legs crossed, his head is in my lap. "You wanna go get breakfast." He licks my arm as I get up and get dressed.

I head down stairs into the quietness. I'm guessing no one is home, I walk out the front door and see no ones car so I am alone.

I grab my phone after making West his breakfast and I text Colby.

Jacks phone

Jack: hey did you come home last night...
Sent 11:37 Am

I wonder where everyone went, no one even left a note. I knew Corey and devyn went to Six flags but Jake, Sam, Kat, and Colby, they should be home.

2 hours later

Still no one is home so I decide to go out to Rodeo Drive to walk around with West.

I grab my keys from off the table and I walk out the door with West, I also grab my long board from the garage.

West and I have done this thing where he runs or walks and I ride my board, he's really good at it. I've taught him mushing commands and he learned them well and fast.

I put on his harness and attach his leash to him.

(Go listen to anything by Shiloh Dynasty)

"Hike!" *go* he moves smoothly as I listen to Shiloh Dynasty.

I look at all the stores, I got stopped a few times by some of Colby's fans. They were nice but they totally ruined the point of me not thinking about Colby on this ride. He hasn't even texted me, at least I don't think. I turned my phone onto silent mode so I don't know, haven't looked at my phone for hours.

  "Gee!" *turn to the right*

  I decided to go to Santa Monica. It was about a 2 hour ride. More like 2 hours and 40 minutes, I had to let West rest.

"Easy" *slow down*

  We got to the coast line of Santa Monica, it was so beautiful. There was a lot of people here today. It's around September so it's almost winter.

"Whoa!" *stop*

  I call west to a stop and I pick up my board. I take off my vans and socks putting them in my bag. I walk through the sand going to find a spot to sit.

I sit down as West lays next to me, I pull out my phone and see messages.

Jacks phone


Mom: hi honey any plans for you birthday tomorrow?
Sam: hey do you want food
Devyn: *pic of her and Corey on a roller coaster*
Colby: where are you? I need to talk to you.
Colby: I'm serious Jack we really need to talk
Colby: what do you want for dinner? I was thinking pizza and a movie?
Colby: baby please answer me..

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