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Colby's POV-
   I wake up to sunlight beaming through my window onto my face, I remember what happened last night and I turn over expecting Jack to still be in bed, but she wasn't. I sit up and I look around, she's not in my room at all, I jump out of bed and put some sweatpants on and head down stairs. I hear faint music playing in the kitchen and I see Jack making waffles. She's wearing one of my shirts, it's like a dress on her. I walk over to her and I kiss her head lifting her shirt and seeing my shirt is all she has on other than her underwear, "Jack why aren't you wearing clothes, what if one of my roommates come down stairs" she puts everything in her hands down and she looks at me putting her hand on my face, "don't worry we are the only ones here" she says to me kissing my cheek. We hear a ding and Jack turns towards the waffle maker, "they are done come fix you a plate" she says handing me a plate. She made waffles and she had some fruit including strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. I fix me a plate and kiss her forehead.
    We finish eating all our breakfast and she ends up sitting on my lap, I feel her head and she's not hot at all. "Hey Jack are you feeling sick anymore" she hesitates before she says "umm Colby, I wasn't sick" "what do you mean" I ask her, she whispers in my ear "I wanted you" it sends a tingle down my body and she pulls away and continues "I wanted you and I couldn't get you with Sam and Kat around and also filming a video." I put my hand on her back while the other one puts her hair behind her ear, "are you serious" she nods her head and I smirk, "you know baby girl you could've just told me and I would've came up with an excuse" she messes with my hair and says "ya I know, but I had a whole plan" "oh you did did you" she nods again "worked out perfectly" she bites her bottom lip and I know she's thinking about last night. I want to tease her, I lift up my shirt she's wearing and I reveal her breasts, I slowly kiss them, it sends goose bumps all over her body. She spins around with both legs on he and I pick her up taking her to my room just in case someone comes in. I lay her on my bed and we start to make out.

Jacks POV-
Colby and I end up making out again, then all of a sudden he stops and he looks like he's listening. He jumps up and sees that Sam and Kat are finally home, he throws me my clothes. "Get dressed" and with that he went down stairs, I put my clothes on and head down the stairs as Sam and Kat walk in. "Hey girl" Kat says to me hugging me, "how are you feeling" she says kind of examining me. I grab her hands and put them down to her waist "when we got home I went to bed" "where did you sleep" Sam says setting down some of the things in his hands. "She slept in my room" Colby says grabbing the camera, "did you get anything else on footage?" He asks, Sam nods "can you edit I'm taking Katrina to the beach" "yea I guess I can" colby says as he playfully rolls his eyes.
They leave and Colby and I go upstairs with Colby, "I should go home" I say to him grabbing my stuff. "When you coming back" he says moving some hair that was in front of my face. "Soon" I reply winking at him, he cups my face and puts his lips on mine. "You better come back" he says as I walk out his door. I get home and I start to put some things away and get my room together, after a couple of hours I'm all finished and I'm exhausted, I decided to take a nap.

Colby's POV-
Jack leaves and I open up my computer and start to edit the video, I can't focus on anything. What the fuck is going on why can't I focus on anything. I see Jack in almost every scene and I just lose it. "Fuck" I stop editing and I go to get some Chick-Fil-A. My phone starts to buzz.
Group chat-
Corey: wassup guys
Jake: hey
Corey: what you guys think about going to the club tonight ;)
Sam: I'm down I'll invite Kat
Colby: yea fuck it
Sam: invite jack ;)
Corey: yo who's Jack??
Sam: mmm Colby's new girl
Colby: she's not my girl shut up
Jake: I've heard that one before XD
Sam: come on Colby it's kinda obvious
Colby: fine I'll invite her meet at the house @8

I'll ask her later she's probably busy she hasn't been home since we met.

Jacks POV-
I wake up at 5pm to my phone ringing.
"Hello??" I say almost like I'm dead
"Hey it's Colby, are you ok?"
"Ya I am sorry I just woke up"
"Oh shit did I wake you?"
"Kinda but it's ok"
"Oh ok, well the trap house and I were wondering if you would wanna come to the club with us tonight?"
"Umm sure what time?"
"Well you should be here at 8 but you can come earlier and we can get food"
"Alright I'll be there can you just pick me up?"
"Ya of course I can"
"Thank you Colby"
"Of course I'll see you later babygirl" I bite my lip
"See you later daddy"

A/n: hey so I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I haven't had a lot of ideas but now I do so I'll start writing more. I hope you enjoyed this chapter it might have been boring but I'll make them better I promise lol

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