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I sit my tongue out at Aries as she sticks her head out the window. She returns the gesture and I quickly stick my middle finger up at her right before the car turns the corner, driving out of view.

"Wow that's really mature" someone behind me says.

"Whatever anyway let's go get that ice cre-"

I turned to see Henry standing there shirtless. He had sweat dripping down the sides of his head and down his torso. He was in basketball shorts and some kind of pricey shoes.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You didn't come over yesterday" he says with an angry under tone to his voice.

"Okay and the sky is blue, now that we're done stating the obvious I didn't come out here for you so if you'll excuse me" I turn to walk away but he grabs my hoodie pulling me back a little.

I quickly turn around and pull my hoodie out from his grasp. I take a couple of steps away from him, holding onto my own hood.

"What the hell do you think your doing" he asked me.

"I'm not going back to you house." I say trying to sound tough when I'm clearly shaking.

"Okay Fine we can do it in the bathroom or some-"

"No. I mean I'm not doing anything with you ever again." I clear my throat avoiding eye contact with him. "For one you have a girlfriend and two your not gay." I say a little bitterly.

"It didn't matter before it doesn't matter now" he shrugs as he closes the space between us.

"No no no you're not about to over power me like before cuz this time I'll get away before you can do anything" I take a big step back.

"Says who" he smirks as he gets closer to me, putting his hand on my hip.

Ignoring the shaking in my hands I slam my fist down on his hand and back up further, bumping into something. I turn around, noticing I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!" I look up to see Jasper giving me a confused look.

He gives me a once over before giving me a reassuring smile. Or a pity smile I'm not really coherent enough to tell. I guess he noticed my shaking because he steps in front of me.

"Sorry about the disturbance Jasper. You can go back to play basketball." he says with a fake smile before turning to me. "Tell the boys I'll be back in a minute.. I gotta hash something out with him." he glares at me.

"I actually didn't come to play ball today" Jasper puts his hand on my head. " I was just killing time for a while.. I have plans today" he motions to me.

"Oh okay" Henry looks between the two of us. "I'll tell them you're gone then" he says giving me one last glare before running back to the court.


"Can I have a chocolate sundae" Jasper asks the waiter standing before us.

"Okay and for you sir" man in front of our table turns to me, his eyes continuously looking down then back up to my eyes.

"Uhh strawberry milkshake" I say a bit confused.

"Okay we'll have that right out for you" he quickly takes our menus and leaves.

"Are you okay sure you're okay?" Jasper turns to me as soon as the man is out of earshot.

"Did you notice that man's staring. I guess it because he was taking our order, waiting tables can be pretty awkward" I watch the man behind the counter. "Or at least that's what I can imagine"

"You didn't answer the question" he he takes my hands, pulling them apart from each other. "Are you okay" he interlocks our fingers.

I stare into his eyes challenging him but I give up so fast it's not even funny. He has pretty eyes ya know?

"He has a girlfriend.. a damn girlfriend. I'm not gonna say I didn't see it coming but I didn't expect her to just suddenly show up. But he seems to think he can just d-drag me back to his house-" I drop my head low and bite down on my lip.

"Here is your milkshake and here is your sundae" the waiter says as I hear some glass being put on the table.

I pull my hands out of his as I blink the tears away. I sit up and grab my drink then pop the straw to in my mouth, trying to ignore whatever look he's giving me.

"Like I said..I'll keep him away from you. I'll tell him to lay off, ya know?" He says as he digs into his ice cream.

"When did you say that?" I look at him mega confused.

"While I was on the phone with you last night" he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh yea I remember now. You woke me up just when I was about to fall asleep, almost made me have aneurism" I kick him under the table.

"Ouch" he laughs off the pain as he rubs his leg. "Do you not remember what we talked about though?"

"Not a thing, sorry" I take another sip of my milkshake.

"It's okay... your snore is cute" he grins as he takes a bite of his sundae.

"O-oh shut up" I go to kick him again but he quickly moves his legs out of the way then trap mine in between his.

"Hey Ohio I was wondering is this a new style or did you rush to get here?" he plays with the banana and chocolate in his bowl.

"Why do you say that?" I let my straw fall out of my mouth.

"You umm.. you're not in a skirt or a dress.. you're-"

"Do you have a problem with how I dress all of a sudden?" I set the milkshake on the table then cross my arms.

"No- never mind it's just... you're.. I wanted to know if you knew you're wearing pajamas" he motions to me. "And I'd never have an issue with what you wear" he mumbles under his breath.

I look down at myself. I was wearing a puffy pink hoodie that's obviously to big for me, pink pajama pants the have the words "sleep" plastered in every empty space on the pants. The only thing remotely normal about my outfit is the white converses on my feet.

"Ohmygosh-" I try and pull down my hoodie but to won't even go down that far. "I thought I was going straight home after Danielle's house- I came here randomly" I string into my seat.

"It's 2 in the afternoon, you were previously at a friend's house and you hadn't changed yet" he teases.

"Shut up already" I start trying to pull my legs from in between his so I can kick him but he grabs my legs and holds them there.

"So adorable!" He talks to me as if I'm a baby while cooing at me.

I reach across the table and get a spoon full of his ice cream and shove it it my mouth. He makes a shocked face as I go for another spoon. He quickly lets go of my legs and battles for the spoon full of ice cream I'm holding, trying to redirect it to his mouth. His phone dings and he hesitates for a second so I sit up and take the spoon into my mouth. He playfully glares at me and smirk at him.

"You can answer" I motion to his phone as I sit back in my seat. He opens his mouth to say something so I quickly cut him off, "this isn't a date or anything.. just answer" I give him a smile before putting my straw back into my mouth.

Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum