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"Hey Ohio you don't look so good" Haile, or at least a blurry her, puts her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm find- fine! I'm fine!" I shake my head as I correct myself. "I just need some air.... sober up a bit" I mumble.

"O-okay.." she says skeptically. "Let me walk you outside-"

"No just continue withthe drinks I can handle myself" I shake her off of me and stumble out of the kitchen.

I opt for taking the back door seeing as it's the closest and I don't feel like going through that crowd again.

Somehow I make it to the back door but never actually get out. Someone grabs me by my shoulders and slam my back into a wall. I hiss as I push their hands off my shoulders only for them to return again with more force.

"The hell did you take Faith's drink for" he slams me into the wall again.

"Let go of me" I whine as I push him away only to get slammed into the wall harder.

"Why'd you tell her I put something in her drink! You know you messed up my plans for tonight" He screams causing me to flinch.

"You're sick" I spit at him.


((Trigger Warning))

Hands hold onto my hips as I'm lead away from the music. A slight breeze hits my face as my feet damn near drag against the ground. I lift my head trying to get ahold of my surroundings. A familiar curly head comes into view as I look up. I squint my eyes realizing it's not who I wish it was.

"Let go" My words come out angrily but probably more slurred than I think.

"I'm trying to get you to the car" he grunts as he effortlessly pushes my hand away.

"I said let go!" I yell as I twist out of his grasp.

I take one step to begin running and immediately fall into the grass. He leans down trying to get a hold of my hands or feet put I keep squirming around. I kick him in his leg causing him to hiss in pain.

"Will you stop it already!" He yells as he gets on top of me forcing my hands down to my sides. "I'm trying to help you"

"Let me go- get off" I yell trying to get my arms up as I kick my legs around. "Henry get off of me" i choke out a little.

"Not until you calm down" he yells as he scoots back into my thighs to prevent me from kicking my legs around anymore.

I grunt ignoring him as I continuously try and force my hips up to get him off of me. Tears threaten to fall as the feeling of suffocation sets in along with the fear. The adrenaline desperately trying to help me is getting held back by whatever was in that drink.

After what seems like forever I give up and burst into tears going into a full panic attack. I start to hyperventilate as thoughts of being on Henry's front lawn start to flood back into my head. Him dragging me up to his room.

I couldn't fight him off sober what makes me think I could fight him drunk off my ass. It's my fault for drinking it in the first place. I could've just threw it on the floor now look at me.

My dad is gonna kill him this time and Papa's gonna help hide the body.

And what'll Jasper think. He's gonna leave me because I can't even do such a simple thing as protect myself. He's gonna think I did this on purpose.

"Ohio.." Henry touches my shoulder causing me to slap his hand away.

((Trigger warning ends here!! I know some of you may think Henry didn't do anything just then so there was no need for a tigger warning but it's still traumatizing to someone in Ohio's current state of mind. Seeing as he's drunk and doesn't know what's going on, not to mention what Henry did before just amplified what was going on in his head))

I was so busy panicking I didn't realize Henry had long since gotten off of me. He sat there next to me in the grass, letting my episode ride out. We both sit there silently until my panic attack has turns into me rocking myself back and forth in a ball, sniffling and shaking.

"Will you let me take you home?" He whispers, being cautious not to get any closer to me.

It takes me a minute but I nod my head, "j-just drop me off at Haile's house.. she left the door open"

"Can you.. walk?" He asks and I reluctantly shake my head no. "I'm gonna pick you up and take you to the car okay?" He waits for me to nod my head again before he cautiously slips his arms under me.

He walks over to his car then lets me down, leaving me to lean against the car as he opens the door. He unlocks the rest of the doors then opens the backseat door for me. He helps me lay down in the back before closing the door and driving off.


"Are you sure you don't want me to take you home?" He asks as he helps me to the doorstep.

I wanted to say something smart or sassy in response but my brain just wouldn't help me. I just wanted to get in here and lay on the floor till I feel good enough to call Haile and tell her to take me home.

"Mhm" is all that comes out as I fumble with the unlocked door.

I thought I saw heard him chuckle as he opened the door for me but I ignored it and went right in. He closes the door as I make my way into the living room. I stumble onto the couch and I let my heavy eyes take over.

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