I've Got What I Wanted. Part 33

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to go get some lunch? I've still got an hour or two before I have to get back to work." Caleb asked me, holding the door to the parking lot open. When he asked me that, I felt a tightness in my stomach because of my answer.

"I would, but Beth is coming back for the weekend and I said I'd pick her up from the airport." I did feel slightly guilty for turning him down.

"Maybe sometime next week then." He slowed down and we came to a stop outside the hospital.

"Sure give me a text when you're free and we'll go out somewhere." I looked up at him and gave him a smile.

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon. And have a good birthday on Monday." He gave me one of his sexy smiles.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you soon." I smiled and started walking towards my car. I did feel really bad for fobbing him off. I actually do miss spending time with him. But there's still part of me that's still trying to trust him. I just need a little bit more time.


"Hey chick," Beth said getting into my car. I laughed while shaking my head at her. "How're things?" She put on her seatbelt as I started to drive.

"Okay, same as always really. How's Uni?" To be honest I was a bit jealous she was at Uni. I actually really want to get back to it. I really do miss it.

"A lot of work. But I love it really. Are you going back next year?"

I saw her look at me from the corner of my eye. I nodded concentrating on the road. "Hopefully, I want to get back and get my degree." I explained pulling away out of the airport.

"So, what's happening between you and Caleb then? The last I heard was that you weren't speaking to him."

I knew that she’d ask that question eventually, but it still earned a sigh from me. "I'm still trying to work that one out." I told her honestly. "I don't know right now. I'm talking to him again. Sort of," I added at the end.

"When did you start talking to him again?" She asked as I pulled up at a red light.

"Last week maybe," I said unsure. Maybe it was less than a week. I don't know, I'm too tired to keep track. "I thought I was going out with Jim, but when I got there it was Caleb who planned it all. Jim was the one that was meant to get me there."

"That's so cute though," she gushed, making me roll my eyes. But truthfully, it was cute. "So why are you not back at the house then?"

I looked over at her, resting my arm on the window. "It's not as straight forward as that Beth." I looked away from her, before driving off again. Maybe it is as straight forward as that, but I don't see it.

"I just thought that when you'd started talking to him you'd move back. What are you going to do when the baby comes?" She was asking the questions that I probably need to answer. But it wasn't the questions I had the answers to.

"I do miss him don't get me wrong. But part of me still doesn't trust him. I just need a little longer to trust him. But we’re getting there,” I glanced over at her with a smile.

“I’m glad to hear that. I was worried since I don’t see you as often as I used to.”

“That’s because you moved away to Uni.” I countered with a slight laugh.

“Yeah whatever,” she lamely said in return. “Have you seen Stephanie since you found out?”

“Not yet,” I let out a long breath. “I haven’t been over to their house since. She’s moving in September to go to University, so I’m just going to wait until then. I really don’t want to see her face to be honest.” I told her truthfully. I really do think that if I saw her, I would punch her face. “She’s basically the one to blame; for most of it anyway. I never liked her before anyway. If I never have to see her again, that’s fine by me.” Maybe that was a bit harsh since we are blood related, but I don't see her as a sister. I sort of feel that Damien is my half brother at least because he's just the cutest little kid. He is actually adorable. With Stephanie, there's nothing but hatred there. But I can't help that feel that way. 

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