I've Got What I Wanted. Part 5

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I'm so sorry again but school's awful. I really wish I did English Language instead of Maths. Maths sucks balls :( Anyways, most of you probably won't like this chapter, but that's how it's going :) So the EMA's were held over here in Belfast and they were really good. But BRUNO MARS WAS ROBBED. Justin Bieber is shite and is not the best male. That's so Bruno Mars :) That pissed me off quite a bit :L But on the good side, my friend hit JB with a glow stick :P 

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Thanks for reading and enjoy! 



"How long are you going to be? I'm waiting outside for you." I twisted in my seat as I listened to Johnny speak through my phone.

"We'll be ten minutes at most. The rugby match just finished," I explained resting my elbow on the centre console. Caleb thought that if I went to the rugby match he was coaching that I wouldn't think about going to my dad's house, so I wouldn't worry. But it didn't work. Not on little bit. "Just go on in," I told him while putting my hair over my left shoulder.

"Are you sure? I know you were pretty nervous about today." I smiled, playing with the end of my hair. Definitely needs cut soon.

"Yeah I'm sure. Just don't break his nose," he chuckled on the other end of the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll just bruise it." I rolled my eyes before glancing at Caleb, who was focusing on the road. "I'll see you in a little bit," I said a quick okay before hanging up the phone.

"Everything okay?" I looked back over at Caleb and smiled.

"Yeah, just Johnny telling me in advance he's going to punch our dad." He looked over at me and laughed.

"Well that saves me the trouble of doing it." I rolled my eyes at him as his hand found mine. "How about we go out after this? For dinner or something," he asked stroking his thumb over my hand.

"Is this just because you don't want to cook, or you actually want to go out?" He smirked and glanced over at me.

"A little bit of both," I laughed as the car came to a stop. I looked out the window and saw Johnny's car parked in front of us. Damn, I was hoping we wouldn't be here for a little bit longer. "It's not too late to say you don't want to do this." I looked over at Caleb and unclasped my seatbelt.

"It's fine, really." I smiled while opening the car door. I quickly climbed out before shutting the door; making sure I won't change my mind. I waited by the passenger's side of the car for Caleb. I heard the door shut before the lock on the car beeped.

"We can leave at anytime okay?" He said walking over to me. I smiled and nodded at him. "Well then let's do this," he said lacing his fingers with mine. "We should probably come up with a single in case one of us wants to leave." I laughed as we walked up to the front door.

"How about if I want to leave I punch you?" He looked down at me, while I tried to act innocent.

"I think we'll stick with just telling each other. I'm pretty sure domestic abuse is frowned upon." He explained with a slightly chuckle before knocking the door.

"We'll just see which single I use. Like a surprise or something," he chuckled but stopped when the front door opened. I know Johnny said he was going to hit my dad in the nose. But I never actually thought he would. The redness of his nose gave it away that he really did.

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