Chapter 21: A Tragic Scene

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Chapter 21: A Tragic Scene

Page's POV (the first-ever POV of my protagonist Page!)

I didn't expect that the kick start of our Asian tour will literally lead us to Kate's location. Nine years ago, I would tell all of my secrets to her. I always tell her every time my dad and I have these serious clashes, I told her all of my problems when we were still in prep school and she would always console me back. She's my best friend and I pity her of what she's going through now. She forgot that I can understand the Filipino language when she talked in Tagalog yesterday hoping Damian is just the one who can understand of what she's saying about her pain, about her loneliness. I'm angry to myself because for nine long years, I've been resenting her and I've been wishing her dead. I'm too self-centered and didn't think of possibilities of what she's been through, of what's the reason behind her sudden departure nine years ago.

Ken, Ulrich and I are now walking towards our private plain, next destination is in Seoul, South Korea. Our Asian tour is a month long schedule. I want to stay in the Philippines for a longer time to clear things out to Kate, I'm guilt-bound, I want her to know how deeply sorry I am.




I look back and I'm not mistaken, it's Kate and Damian.

Yesterday, when I touched her cheeks, she's still hot. Why is she here? I wonder if  she's really okay now.

Her face is perfection. She looks so beautiful but her eyes, her eyes are communicating something that she's not okay. Something's bothering her, like she's anxious about something, like there is something big bothering her. My match in archery, the little archer girl Kate has grown into a beautiful lady.

Even though I know that something is bothering her, she's all smiles today. No more tears and I'm happy to see her perfect teeth before our departure.

She's talking to Ken and Ulrich. Even though we're just a feet away, I couldn't hear them. It's like the world has muted itself so that I can focus just on her. And to my surprise, she faces me and thankfully I manages to get back to my senses, "Page, my bestfriend!" She hugs me so tightly and I hugs her back too.

When she finally let go from the hug, I manage to find my voice, "I'm so sorry Kate. I've missed you so much my best friend!"

She then again hugs me more tightly.

"You guys, take care okay? No to drinking and smoking. Also quit flirting with girls out there. You should all be keen and cunning enough in making decisions in your daily lives okay? Remember, we are 'the Elite' and we have these 'hyper-performing-brainy-brains', right?"

We all chuckled together. Oh when we were kids, hyper-performing-brainy-brains! It's unquestionable, it's a shock to most people who knew us personally, because we are all outstanding in academics, we were always the top students in our schools yet we opt to enter the entertainment world.  It's my way of rebellion to my family.

As we enter the private plain, Kate tugs my jacket, "Here, Page! Even though I just rushed it, I hope that it'll mean a lot to you three. I'm not really into giving away my personal photos but I really want you guys to know that I'm existing and I'll always be your best friend 'till the end. These are three wallet-sized photographs of mine, one for each of you and I wrote personal messages on the back."

 I will definitely would want to keep these photopgraphs. She's so beautiful inside and out.

She takes a step back and I give her a one last glance, memorizing of what perfection she'd become.

And Oh, I can see her through the window.

Damian is patting her back. I wish that I'm the one patting her back, not him. I wish that I'm the one who's always consoling her, not Damian.

I think she got a phone call.

She answers it and then a scene flashes right through my eyes, which gave me a twist in my gut, she's panicking and she's crying, not just crying typical crying but seriously crying. Even Damian's face is dead serious. I want to go out and ask what the matter is but the fucking engine started to roar. We're really leaving but I can still see her, her palms are on her head like she's going insane. She can't maintain her balance anymore and so she sits on the floor even though her dress is white. Her perfect hair is now in a mess. She's so helpless. Even Damian, I think he's crying as well, what's really happening? And then, they disappear in my view and then we takeoff. That was a tragic scene and I think that scene will haunt me in my dreams.


~End of Chapter 21~

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