Chapter 6: Someone Could Drown

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Chapter 6: Someone Could Drown

"Hello again Mr. Bingley! It happened that my mega-ultra-rich friends in here don't even know how to order their own foods."

"Oh royalties!" He chuckled. "The pleasure is all mine to be your chef. You're friends of Miss Hughes so I'm pleased to serve you your meals."

"What do you want to eat?" All types of foods can be found here at the school's dining hall. Well, we paid a serious amount of money in here so it's just right for the school to provide us whatever luxurious meaI we could ever thought of to eat. I asked them one-by-one.

"Two bananas for me. I need potassium. And an apple! As for the drinks, I'll have peppermint tea plus water. Foods for the brain." -Damian

"Yup, red healthy apple, grapes, and grapes, then lastly grapes, those freshly harvested grapes from a vineyard in France. Drinks, I'll have water ."- Ken

"Assorted nuts for me. I need to feed my brain! Plus water."- Ulrich

"Same as your meal"-Page

"My meal? The broccoli and other related~"

"Yah, same as your meal"-Page

"Did you take note all of it Mr. Bingley?"

"Aye, aye madam! You can just wait for the foods on your table. It'll be as quick as the speed of light!"

When we reached our table, there was an awkward silence. *crickets

I finally broke the silence.

"See? That's just how easy it is. Just tell what you wanna eat then DONE!"

My stomach howled again and they scoffed.

"You can eat. No need to wait for us. We do understand that you're VERY hungry."-Page

"Nah. It'll be rude." It was all I did manage to say. I wanted to eat my food in front of me but it'll be an ill-mannered act to do.

We waited for their foods for nearly 3 minutes. So when their foods reached our tables,

"Thank you God for these foods." I murmured.

"Let's eat!" -I added. Did they notice my eagerness to eat? Who cares?!

No one talked. We were all too hooked with our very healthy snacks.

(15 minutes later)

"Are you ready for the tour?"- Why am I so enthusiastic on being a tour guide with these kiddos?

"Actually, we've been waiting for you to talk"-Damian

"Okay let's go"- I stood up and head towards the stairs.

"I don't want to use the elevator today. So are you pals ready to take the stairs 'til the third floor?"

"Of course, we are!"-Ken

We were all panting when we arrived at the third floor.

"The whole third floor is the school's library."

"I see"-Page

"The second floor is where the classrooms for the fourth-graders up to the sixth-graders are located."

"Then the first floor is obviously where our classroom is. The ground floor is for the first to third graders and not to forget our vast dining hall."

"The architectural design of this school is cool. I like it here."- Damian

"Yah nice trick. Modern meets Western syle"- Ken

"We're not yet done. We're only halfway done. School's interior done. Let's go outside."

They followed me silently.

I lead them to the school garden.

"This is my favorite place here." I couldn't resist the flowers, from dark to light colors, big or small, foul or not, they're all pretty.

"It's because you're a girl."-Page

"Maybe"- He's right. We have different sentiments.

"I'll show you our Olympic-sized pool if that's what you guys are looking for."

"Ulrich is the best swimmer, I know! He also saved someone from drowning a year ago"- Ken

"You're a hero Ulrich! That's so nice of you!- I'm slowly uncovering some chunks of my new found friends now.

Pacing...Pacing...heading to the pool area~

"This pool is not so children-friendly at all. Someone could drown in here"-Page

"That's what I thought too when I first saw this pool"

~End of Chapter 6~

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