Chapter 3: Diminutive Versions Of Introductions

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Chapter 3: Diminutive Versions Of Introductions

It's still 9:40 am. 

Archery didn't take much of my time.

Inside the car, Mr. chauffer asked me where to go. (I never bothered to memorize his name. He's Russian. Russian names are full of "V", "K", "CH", it's hard to pronounce Russian)

It's my birthday today. I have a secret and it's exclusively during my birthdays. Please don't tell my mom and dad.

"To Hampstead Heath please sir" - I need to face the truth. Why am I always pretending?

I didn't notice that my eyes became teary. It's so hard to stop the tears from falling. My heart became so dense.

"I need my sunglasses Mr. Hanssen."- My voice is kinda shaky.

"Here ma'am"-He called me "ma'am" again. But this time, I'm weak, I'm shattered. I don't have the guts to give him a lecture again about the "honorifics".

We finally arrived~

Hampstead Heath. The only place in the world where in I let go my anxieties. My well-kept anxieties.

"Stay here"- I told my entourage to stay put where they are. I used my hostile voice so that they'll not insist. 

The Kenwood House is beautiful. The ponds. The farmland. The hedgerows and open spaces, ancient trees and more ponds. It's eerily silent, that's why I really love this place.

I paced toward the vast moorland. I took a deep breath. I cried. I sobbed and sobbed. Non-stop whimpering. I screamed. I shouted into the void as if my lungs won't make it.

"What's with life?!"

"I never expected this to happen to us God"

"I don't know if I'm angry or not!"

"I don't know what to do"

"I want to grow older so that I'd be stronger enough"

"I don't know what to feel for my mom!"

"I don't know what to feel for my dad!"

"I'm just this helpless little kid shouting!"

"And it's a torture!"

I wept for almost an hour.

I let my eyes go back to normal before returning to the car.

I entered the car with my sunglasses on.

"I wanna skate. Let's go to the ice skating rink please in Central London"

Hours later...

When I arrived at home...

"How's your day sweety Katy?"- My mom. The haggard look in her face is killing me. I know she's sad. I pity her. She's exhausted and I know it.

"Dad called me and he said 'hi' to you mom"

The Girl From Before (ON-GOING )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz