Denmark x Prussia x Bullied!Abused!America

Start from the beginning

They arrived at school without much more said, Gil parked in his student spot and they got out. Alfred pulled his bag onto his shoulder and Gil put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't let zhem get to jou." He said with a ghost of a smile.

Alfred gave a thumbs-up as he began to feel nervous, his school life wasn't great. Gil and Matthias knew he was bullied, they didn't know about his home life, and they knew the bullying was physical but the school didn't do much about it so his two friends (and their friends) tried to comfort Alfred when they could.

He went inside and left the Beilschmidt brothers, he needed to get to his locker and then hurry off to class. Sometimes he wished he had an ally of some kind near his locker but he didn't which is how somebody got away with carving 'fag' into his metal locker with something, probably a key.

The word had been there for months, when he first saw it he was hurt but it's old news to him now. Alfred was gay but he wasn't exactly out of the closet just yet, he supposed becoming desensitized to the word was good for him in the long run. When he opened his locker he was hit with a smell so disgusting he gagged a little, he found the source pretty quickly. Somebody had slid a small raw fish into the slits of his locker, how gross was that?

Quickly Alfred pulled the fish from his locker but that seemed to be a bad idea as somebody pointed it out to his friend, "Look he keeps fish in his locker what a fucking weirdo."

Soon a few more people had given their piece to the situation but Alfred had learned to tune them out a long time ago, just keep your head low and don't speak and it'll all go away. All the booklets and inspirational speeches about bullying always said to just not react, why did not reacting never work?

Al pulled a loose piece of paper, probably a long-forgotten handed back test, from his bag and wrapped the stinky fish inside it. He figured with it out of sight people would go back to whatever they did in their uneventful lives. He finished his business at his locker and left with some books and supplies, throwing the fish in a hallway trashcan as he passed it.

Alfred arrived at his first-hour class, mythology, and hurriedly took his place to keep attention off of himself. He put his head on the desk and covered it with his hands, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Yo!" He looked up at the familiar booming voice that had entered the class, Matthias, "Sup Al? I got you somethin." Matthias made his way over and slapped something on his desk, a box, "Lunchbox. Made it myself! Don't worry-don't worry, Lukas made sure it was edible."

"Oh..." Alfred knew he'd been forgetting to pack his lunch lately but he didn't realize he'd done it so often it had become noticeable. Matthias probably knew it had to do with his bad home life and took it upon himself to make him lunch, sweet, "Thanks..."

"Welcome! You have to pay me back though," Matthias grinned and slid the box over to Al who could already smell how good it was, "The payment is sitting with me at lunch today. I know it's Gil's day but I already bribed him into sitting with me too so it's fine."

"Sounds good," Alfred said and shook Matthias's hand in a business manner, both boys starting to snicker at their action. Matthias and Gil sort of shared Alfred for lunch since Gilbert sat with his brother and Matthias sat with the four people he drove to school. Matthias lived in a group home since he's been in the foster care system for forever, the others in his home are a small boy named Tino, a boy larger than Matthias named Berwald, and two brothers named Emil and Lukas.

"See you at lunch then min elskede," Alfred didn't understand many other languages, especially not Danish, but he just repeated that he'd see Matthias later and didn't question it. The school Al went to was pretty multicultural so a lot of people were from other countries, Matthew went to a similar school and had taken up French, but Alfred could never get a grasp on other languages. Al was self-taught in ASL but that's it and his parents didn't even count it as a language, calling him a disappointment many times over it.

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