"Chris?" I called out softly.

Suddenly a large hand covered my mouth and I panicked.

"Hey love." Chris's voice whispered in my ear and I visibly relaxed. I turned around in his arms and smacked his arm.

"Ow! Why are you so violent woman?" Chris whined and rubbed his arm.

I swear it didn't even hurt. Drama queen.

"You don't just creep up from behind me and scare the hell out of me! I was already scared. What if Mom would've found you in bed with me? She would've thought something else." I mumbled the last part.

Chris's eyes lit up and I could almost see the gears turning in his head.

"What would've she thought?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I knew he only heard that part.

I sighed. "Nothing. Now go before Dad decides to come and call me. I don't want to get caught." I pushed him out of my closet and towards the window.

"Hey hey! Are you trying to push me out of the window and kill me? Geez, I so feel your love." Chris grumbled.

"Oh God Chris! Get home before I smack your ass." I said.

He climbed out of the window and jumped onto the tree trunk, and leapt towards his window. He jumped inside his room and turned to look at me. He smirked.

"I would definitely not complain about your hand smacking my a-" I yelped and shut the window on his face before he could complete the sentence. I could hear his laughter and it warmed my heart, bringing a smile on my face.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. Heading down, I greeted my parents and sat down for breakfast.

"Should I drive you sweetie?" Dad asked. Lately, he has been more around us. I definitely miss him when he's away on his business trips, but I'm not totally used to him being around all the time.

I'm not complaining though. I love that he's home more to spend time with Mom and me. We miss him terribly.

"No it's fine Dad. Violet will pick me up." I said as I gulped my orange juice.

Dad nodded and returned back to his newspaper. I finished breakfast and bidding them goodbye, rushed out of the house.

I stood outside for 5 minutes and Violet still hadn't arrived. I called her to know where the hell was she.

"Hey!" Violet's cheerful voice rang out of the phone.

"Don't 'hey' me. Where the hell are you?" I asked.

"School. Where are you? Don't tell me you're skipping today. I would've skipped with you." She whined.

I smacked my forehead. "Why didn't you come to pick me up dumbass?" I gritted angrily.

"I was supposed to?" Violet's voice questioned with confusion.

I sighed heavily. No use arguing with her. I told her I would reach in few minutes and hung up.

I put my phone in my back pocket and started walking to school. It wasn't that far but the weather was too hot and sticky. I swear by the time I reach school, I would be smelling like unwashed socks.

A sudden car beep made me turn my head sideways. I internally squealed with delight when I found Chris stop his car near me.

"Why the hell are you walking in this weather?" He barked at me. Ignoring him, I ran to the passenger side and jumped inside the car. The cool interior soothed my scorching skin.

"I asked you something." Chris asked darkly, frowning a bit.

"Violet forgot to pick me up. So I started walking to school. Thank God you found me." I smiled at him.

He exhaled deeply and shook his head, smiling fondly. "Take care of yourself Jas. The weather's so hot you can get a heat stroke."

I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration. "Okay Mr Robinson, I'll keep in mind. Now could you please drive so that I reach school on time?" I blinked innocently at him.

He smirked. "Nope. Not before I get something from you."

I narrowed my eyes. "And what's that?"

He leaned forward and touched his forehead to mine. I held my breath in anticipation. My heart was on overdrive.

"A kiss. Give me a kiss." His eyes twinkled.

I shoved him and laughed. Although I would admit my heart was racing frantically at the closeness.

"Whyyy? Come on. Give your man a kiss." He pouted.

I wanted to 'awww' at his pouted look but refrained myself. I leaned forward and kissed his right cheek.

"Hey that's not fair! I want a real kiss." He frowned playfully.

I blushed. "That's all you get today. Now please drive."

He chuckled and started the car. He drove to school and I, like a creep, watched him drive.

"Take a photo love, it lasts." Chris's words brought me out of my reverie and I looked away, embarrassed of getting caught.

He laughed and pinched my cheek.

We reached school and I turned to him.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Chris smiled back at me and pecked my forehead. Looking into my eyes he spoke, "You're welcome. I love you. Take care."

No matter how many times he says the words, I won't ever get tired of them.

"I love you too." I said and got out of the car.

He drove away and I turned towards the gate.

That's when I stopped dead on my tracks, my mind and heart filling with immense dread and fear.

Standing a few feet ahead of me was Bailey Spencer.

Hunter's ex girlfriend.

From Cradle to the GraveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin