🍋Bull x !Fem!Reader (Who Has Your Heart) *Smut Request*

Start from the beginning

I looked to him with annoyance but, took a deep breath. I'm trying to do better with my anger. (Y/N) says some people are still freaked out by me because of that.

I looked away from Barley and chuckled. "That's a shame. Hopefully everyone will be back for the next one." Barley nodded, still smiling wide. "Yes, hopefully."

He turned away and started walking to the bar. "I'll get you that tea." I leaned back in my seat and sighed, I was really looking forward to that showdown.

Barley brought back my tea and I sat there in silence, listening to the conversations around me. One caught my attention and it was coming from behind my booth.

A woman was crying her eyes out while her two friends tried to comfort her. Sounded like she just broke up with her boyfriend.

"I-I d-didn't even do anything wr-wrong." It sounded like she was crying into her hands. "I'm so sorry girl. I don't know what triggered him to break up with you." said one of the friends. "It was because of that dumb bitch he laid eyes on when we went to that party."

"We-We've been together for almost two years though!" My interest spiked at that sentence.

"We did everything together. W-We lived together for eight months, I-I was always there for him, I was at his disposal and w-would do anything for him. I love him." She started crying harder as her friends tried to calm her down.

Their whole talk got me thinking. What if (Y/N) likes somebody else than me? What if she makes up the excuse to babysit just to hang out with someone else? What if she's hiding someone from me?

My mind started racing at these thoughts and it made my stomach turn with worry. What if someone else had the heart of the love of my life?

I pushed away my drink and left the money on the table. I was so worried, my head started to spin. I walked to the next booth with the three ladies and looked to the sobbing woman with guilt.

"I hope you find someone better than him." I walked out of the Bar with that and broke into a sprint, rushing home.


I was home alone for hours, pacing back and forth. (Y/N) was late to come home and all I was thinking of was who (Y/N) could possibly be with. Maybe she wasn't with anyone at all but, I couldn't get those thoughts out of my head.

I heard the door unlock and saw (Y/N) looking exhausted, with messy hair. She smiled to me and took off her shoes as I made my way over to her.

"Sorry I'm late! Jessie and Tick were a lot crazier than usual." I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

"Woah, this is new. Did you miss me that much? Ha! I didn't mean to be gone for so long."

She pulled away from me and looked into my eyes, her expression turning to worry. "What's wrong B? Why do you look so sad?"

I blinked a few times and smiled down to her. "Nothin'. I'm fine, I'm just tired." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and she smiled.

"I need a shower, I smell like motor oil." (Y/N) walked past me, into the hallway. I sighed and the worry in my heart turned turned into pain. If she had someone else... I don't think I could go on.

(Y/N) was the one for me. I was too attached to her. If I lost her...

I quickly shook my head and panicked before, rushing into the bed room and looked around. Was there something she was hiding from me? I had to know.

I heard the bathroom door open and turned to see (Y/N) in her favorite pajamas with her hair wrapped up in a towel.

"Are you sure you're okay babe? You look stressed." I turned my head and looked through my drawer for a pair of pajama pants. "I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm just really tired from today."

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