Chapter 34

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Dear Mum and Dad,

02/07 : The aftermath

          So, I'm sat in my apartment, with my results in hand. And I passed !! I got high enough grades to be able to claim my diploma !! I'm so happy, I got to look for a job, I got to look for a place to live. Well first things first I've got to actually have my diploma, so i'm inviting you guys over to my place to stay for a couple of days for our kinda graduation party. I will have to go to my school to collect all my papers, then I'm out ! I'm gone, three years of my life behind me, once I walk out of those doors I don't need to go back. I'm done !

          Wait, I'm done ? I mean, it's great and stuff like, I'm a fully grown adult now, but three years, it's still something. I mean, I met my best friend there, I met my first real boyfriend there, I met so many great people there, so how can I just put it all behind me ? How can I call the most amazing years of my life the past ? They can't just fade into memories, because I've just lived them, it's too soon to put it all behind me...

          I can't believe that's it, that's the end, it's over, it's the end of a chapter in my life. I am really excited to move on to something else, but it was just so amazing, how could I let it go just like that ? How did you guys cope ? I know that you two started dating just after university, so you were happy to have finished when you did, but what did it feel like ? Where you sad that you had to leave it all ? Or were you happy to turn the page and to start a new chapter of your life ?

          I don't know what to think about it all, I'm happy but I'm also sad. I met all my friends there, ones that I consider family, I don't want to forget them, I don't want them to be part of my past, I want them to be in my present, I want them in my future as well.

          Heather hasn't been much better than me. She also passed her exams, but she is just as lost as me on what to do next. It is so difficult to go from having everything scheduled to nothing even remotely prepared. If i keep quiet, I can hear her screaming at herself in her room for not having looked for a job before hand just in case she did pass. I don't know if it's funny to hear her telling herself off, or if it's sad because I am in the same case and should also have looked before hand. I was so positive that I wasn't going to pass that I didn't even think about looking. oh how cruel the world is.

          I'll be home soon, Heather and I have decided to keep the apartment for at least the rest of the summer, so we know we have somewhere to stay. We may even keep it for longer. When I come back we can celebrate, the champagne is on me. I just hope things won't get to complicated. I best go, Heather has started banging her head against the wall, the only noise I'm hearing is the soft thuds through the wall in between our rooms. She probably have a bruise for a couple of days. I'll see you soon,



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