Chapter 2

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Dear Mum and Dad,

Day 2 : Moved in !

          So, this is my day 2 letter ! You didn't think I would survive this long did you ? What am I saying ? Both of you said that you put all your faith in me, of course you think I survived. Well I hope you think that anyway. Thinking about it, it's a bit of a stupid question, because of course any idiot can survive the first two days of university ! 

          Well, that was a bit of a stupid intro to this second letter wasn't it ? Let's start again.

        So this is my day 2 letter ! Have fun reading the actual content of the letter that is written better than the first intro that I so kindly asked you to forget ! 

        It's been a long day, I must admit, even without having a full day of lessons. You may think it's because I'm lazy, but I'm not ! I have had stuff to put away and tidy up you know ! The place is ready for function, as an apartment should be. Kidding, only the necessities are all set up. Take the lounge as an example. The T.V and the consoles are plugged in and working, and the sofa is at perfect playing distance, so that's good, for me anyway. The kitchen... is nearly looking like a kitchen. I mean, the fridge is full of food, and the coffee machine is working so, so far so good, right ? The only thing fully unpacked is my bedroom. It needs to be so I can have a decent amount of beauty sleep and 3 pm naps. Putting boxes in the way would have been counter productive, if you know what I mean. Of course you know what I mean, you have been living with me for the past eighteen years. Or should I say I have been living with you ?

        The place in general is still looking like a mess, but you know, I'm getting there, slowly but surely... I wish you guys were here to help, I would probably be done faster if you guys helped me, it would also be done better I think. I don't remember if I tidied my bedroom before leaving, that would be best to check, don't you think ? And if it's untidy, then I promise to do it during the next holidays. But I know mum will have done it before, so no point promising anything.

        I'm going to continue unpacking, so if you guys decide to surprise visit me, it will look like a proper living space for my three years of studies, and not a cheap rent motel room ! 

        Love you guys and miss you ! Speak to you in the next letter. Bye !



Sincerely, your DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now