Chapter 11 (extras)

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Dear Mum and Dad,

02/04 : Things not going as planned.

          So... I must say, this is, unexpected. I bet you were ready to hear all about my marvelous prank going off without a problem, well, here's the thing.

          She guessed it.... No, your eyes are reading the right thing. She guessed my master plan. She managed to know what I was doing. She saw straight through me. And the thing is, I don't know how.

          She knew exactly what I was doing, she even knew where I was hiding the camera, and when we left to go to school, she ripped it off me, and said that it was rude to film people when they didn't consent to it. I was absolutely gobsmacked. It was amazing. I don't even know how. She managed to look confident through out the day, no sound made her flinch, no movement made her run. I don't understand. 

          What happened to me ? I used to be so good at pranking ! Have I lost my touch ? Did I not look suspicious enough ? Or did I look too suspicious ?

Also, do you remember the air horn in the bathroom ? Yeah, well I forgot about that, and ended getting scared by my own prank at five in the morning while trying to go to the toilet. I have officially let my self down... My pranking skills have disappeared, and I don't know how to get them back. I have prayed to all prank gods I know, to see if they could give me back the skills I seemed to have lost. But, I think they also pranked me,because I swear I heard them promise me eternal pranking skills. And what did I receive ? Nothing. How... disappointing.

          Well, I guess I might as well retire now, and put away my prank queen crown that I loved so much. Farewell, beloved parents, I must now go cry myself to sleep, knowing that I failed to prank... one ... last... time...



P.S : This little added extra is written by Amelia from the future. And I figured out how Heather know of my little secret. The thing is... she followed me. She knew I loved to prank her, and coming up to the first of April, she knew I wouldn't miss the chance to pull an epic prank. So every time I went out to get stuff, she would follow me, and see that it was all empty. She even snuck into my room, and found my prank diary, (well saw it, I didn't really try to hard to hide it as I left it on my desk) where I had it all planned out. So she managed to also find out about the camera, because for some reason I wrote on there how I would wear it to. Sometimes, I am an idiot, and for our April's fool, this prankster out-pranked.

Sincerely, your DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon