Chapter 3

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Dear Mum and Dad,

Day 3 : Finished clearing !

          So, I have finally finished unpacking, everything is unpacked and set up. I think it still needs a bit of me in here, you know, a few pictures and drawings, maybe a splash of paint on one of the walls but, you know, it will get there soon. The guest bedroom is up and running if you guys wanna swing by for a week or two. It's funny how I say it like you live next door. It's actually a horrible feeling once I sit down and think about it. You know, with you guys being four hours away. I don't know if it's good or not. I will gain my independence for sure, but a bit of family time at weekends hasn't killed anyone, that I know of anyway. I miss hanging with you guys, even if it wasn't really hanging. It was more like doing separate activities in the same room, mainly the lounge.

          I hate being this far, I don't like it. Probably because I haven't made any friends yet. But I will. Just got to ease into it. I have actually been talking to the girl next to me in class. Her name is Gabrielle, she seems nice. Maybe when you come over, we will be good friends, doing homework together and going out to party on weekends, and you could meet her. Maybe not on weekends where parties are planned, I don't want you guys to see me drunk. Not that I will always get drunk ! Just forget that part please. You can skip past it and pretend you didn't read it ! I hope it goes right and we do become friends; I don't know what I would do if it doesn't. Probably try talking to someone else. It can't be that hard right ? Making friends is easy, just got to make the first step towards them. Because that's all it takes... one step. I will manage. 

          You may be wondering, do I have any homework yet ? The answer is no, I don't, and I'm glad about that, it would of been hard to get settled in with piles of papers waiting to be done. The teachers have been so kind. They have mainly explained what we will be doing this year, how we will be doing the work. It's fairly simple... for the moment. We will be doing a lot of practice before the periods of work experience, so a lot of new things will be learnt ! I just hope I remember it...

          I won't continue any longer, I'm going to finish some of my pictures. Love you guys, and once again, talk to you in the next letter. Bye !



Sincerely, your DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now