Chapter 18

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Dear Mum and Dad,

05/01 : New year, new me

          I thought that for this letter we would talk about something we have already talked about in real life. Which is the New Year. It's a great time to go through, a time that let's you go over all the choices you've made in the last year, or should I say it let's you think about all your regrets and terrible life choices. Not saying that I have any, I'm just saying there's somethings I could have done without, like that Gabrielle. Did you think I had forgotten ? But how could I forget the first girl that talked to me and then dumped me because I refused to give her the answers for the first test ? She was the worst honestly, the worst thing to have happened to me through these university years.

          But anyway, Gabrielle is not the subject of this letter. I wanted to talk about New Year's resolutions. New year has always been about changing bad habits we have, or starting something new. And that's what I want to do. I want to change the old me into someone new. I don't want to have my stupid bad habits anymore, I want to be different, to evolve. I want to be the person I'm meant to be. I want to push myself to the limit, to push myself to be better. 

          This year, I want to do something I have never done before, I want to go crazy on a long term project I have been working on. Do you guys remember the sort of reveal I did last year ? The fact that I said I was already working on something may come back to your minds. Well the project I'm working on is a game, and not everything is quite finished yet, but it is getting closer to completion. And this year I plan on showing it to the world, I want people to see my game, to see the story of it, the art of it. I want people to enjoy it. Wouldn't it be great ?

         I've gathered all my skills and assembled them into this thing I made. I just feel that this is the way things should go. I've always been shy, and that's what's changing this year. I won't be shy anymore. I'm going to stand up and let the world see me, and let it see what I've done. I'm tired of always being pushed down because I was to shy to stride for what I wanted. And so here I go.

The New Year brings a new me.

          And this time, I'm not going to let anyone or anything push me aside. So that is my decision, and that's what I failed to tell you face to face. So this letter is my confession. Even though i'm still at home, I can't do it, I can't tell you guys. So I will tell you when I'm gone, or when you read this letter if you find it, which shouldn't happen because i'm taking it with me.

So paper parents, till the next letter, where you will see if I've had the guts to tell my real parents about my plans. 



Sincerely, your DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now