Chapter 15

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Dear Mum and Dad,

 26/10 :Following the flow

          The days seem to have rolled together, and time seems to be flying past me. My game evenings seem to disappear into my lessons for the next day, and the day seems to disappear into an evening of relaxation. Is it normal to feel this ? Did you guys have that impression when you were in university ? I just feel like my time is blurring together, not allowing me a moment to just stop, and think. Heather is as usual being really helpful. She is able to just stop me and ground me, even if it's for just a few seconds a day.

          She grabs my shoulders and just tells me to stop everything. To stop thinking, to stop walking, to just stop. She looks me in the eye and tells me to follow her lead, to inhale, and exhale, to just breathe. And that's all I need to be grounded. It's all I need to able to set my thoughts straight, to be able to step back from everything and look at it from a different perspective.

          The school work has gotten harder this year, not that I wasn't expecting it, but the change from a slow paced first year to a pace slightly too fast in second year, it's a barrier that I didn't think I would have a problem with. But all the homework, the class work, the stress, it's getting to me, a lot. And it's only October. How have I lost track so easily ? I just don't understand. One moment I have everything under control, all while handing my papers in early and studying a bit every night, and suddenly I have no idea on what needs to be done, what needs to be handed in or not, when I have meetings with the teachers and so on. I must of missed a day or two, but I don't know where.

          Everything I seem to do is out of pace, I'm behind on all the dates, and some teachers have already come to talk to me about how I handle my work time.

          But luckily, as I said, I have Heather to keep me grounded. She hasn't let me drown in all the work, and she seems to be the only one willing to slow down to help me catch up. I would be lost without her, I am so happy to have her by my side, even if she does leave me alone one night a week to go see her boyfriend.

          She's brought back pancake breakfasts for me, and every morning we manage we get up together to make pancakes. Some mornings, I make them on my own, and some mornings she makes them alone, but we always try to be together. Because that's how we promised each other to get through mornings, through school, through stress. We promised that it would be together.

          She's kept the promise, and I love her even more for it. She's the best thing to have happened to me. So paper parents, I present to you my sister from another mister : Heather.



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