"Caleb... Babe... Babe... I'm... fuck...." Zoey moaned as her orgasm rocked through her whole body.

I was right there with her and cursed loudly as I spilled my seed inside her.

Fuck I needed that.

Zoey P.O.V.

I stood in front of Caleb putting back on my top after having just made love to him in his office.

Caleb just got back from Miami and man was he in a mood for me.

I couldn't even think because he walked in with a plan.

I wanted to tell him about Serena and what I found out. But I knew it had to wait until after he was done having his fun with me.

I'm not gonna lie I enjoyed myself as well... I mean I always do.

I'm sure Caleb and I will always be one of those couples who are always attracted to each other no matter how old we get or how long we're together.

I was about to go grab my jeans when I felt Caleb pulled me down onto his lap.

He was sitting back on the couch recovering from our little session.

He held me and kissed on my neck.

"Babe I need to get my jeans," I giggled.

"No... you're fine the way you are Mrs. Atwood. Stay right here on daddy's lap," Caleb said huskily.

"Babe..." I blushed.

Caleb ran his hand over my stomach and pressed on it firmly.

"I don't know if I'll be able to wait until our one year anniversary... maybe we should make an appointment with the OB/GYN soon," he suggested.

I know he wants more kids or at least one other child. But right now really wasn't the time with all that was going on... although it always warms my heart when he mentions expanding our family.

I remember when he was scared at the thought of me being pregnant and saying he didn't want kids. Now he wanted more than the two we currently have.

I love how he's settled into fatherhood and wants to have more kids in the future.

"After you hear what I have to say you're going to change your mind," I said.

Caleb loosened his arm around me and I got up from his lap.

I went and grabbed my jeans putting them back on.

"Zoe what is it?" Caleb asked concerned.

"It's Serena...." I said.

"What about her?" he asked.

"She's involved with Stewart. While you were out of town I had the girls and their kids over. She walked off to take a call and I found her in here trying to open the safe. She didn't get it open but she was on the phone while trying. Babe Stewart's her son's father and he's the same age as Mason so she's been involved with Stewart for at least two years... who knows maybe more. He's been in hiding for five years so... she could have been involved with him all this time. When I was listening in to her phone conversation with him she said she wanted to kill me. She also made it seem like his master plan was to get us to break up so I'd run to be with him only for him to dump me once I did that..." I explained.

"That fucking psycho! I need to call my mother... see if we can have Serena arrested too," Caleb said stressed.

"Babe no...she doesn't know that I know she's involved so we can actually use this to our advantage," I said.

"Zoey I'm done playing games with them! He's been ploting for five years and this ends now. But what I'd really like to know is what the hell was she looking for in the safe?" Caleb said.

"I don't know... money?" I suggested.

"No... Stewart's got plenty of money they wouldn't need mine. It has to be something else but what... I don't know," Caleb said.

Caleb stood up and I walked into his embrace.

He hugged me and rubbed my back.

"I want you and the kids to go back to Atlanta... stay with my parents for a little while," Caleb said.

"No... I'm not running away! They aren't going to run us out of this city," I argued.

"Zoey if Serena is involved there is no telling what she has up her sleeve! I'm not risking you and my kids safety!" Caleb argued.

"Well what about you? You're coming with us right?" I asked.

"No I'm not coming with you but I'll check in. I got to check in on the club here and then you know I gotta head back to Miami," Caleb said.

"Caleb there isn't anything you're hiding from me right? Something they could use against you or something?" I asked fearful.

"Zoey no. You know everything about me... we have no secrets," Caleb assured me.

"Ok... I'll go pack the kids and I up something's... call your mother and let her know we're coming," I said.

"Ok," Caleb said.

I gave him a kiss then left his office.

It worried me that Caleb wanted to stay back while getting the kids and I out of town.

I really hope he knows what he's doing and none of this comes back to bite us in the ass. 

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