Chapter 41

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"I'm headed to the club. I'll see you later baby," Caleb said.

He gave me a quick kiss then left for the day.

We were back from our honeymoon and man did I feel refreshed.

I got a whole week away with my hubby in Italy.

We saw the sights, took romantic strolls, had great food... along with great sex.

After our time in Italy we went to Miami for a day. Caleb was set on opening up a new club out there so we looked at some possible spots for him to set up his club.

He narrowed it down to three locations but was still weighing his options. He was going to be calling the realtor out there soon to make a final decision so he could get the project underway.

Since we were back home that meant back to our usual routine.

I had already taken Cecilia to school and gotten back. Caleb went into work late today because he needed to sleep in from all the jet lag I guess.

I finished cleaning up the kitchen as Mason was in the living room watching cartoons.

While I loved my honeymoon and getting that well needed alone time with my husband I missed my babies.

I was glad to be back home and back in the swing of things.

I didn't have much planned for today. I was set to meet up with Serena and Katie in just a little while at the park.

I hadn't yet told any of my friends about Caleb and I eloping. I was sure they would be happy for me but disappointed to hear that I decided against a formal wedding ceremony.

"Ok sweetie time to get ready for the park," I said as I walked into the living room.

Mason jumped up off the couch excitedly.

I turned off the television and grabbed my purse and keys.

Mason and I left out through the garage.

I unlocked my car and got him in the backseat all buckled in.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then closed the door.

I got in on the driver's side and closed my door after getting settled in my seat.

I pressed the button to open the garage then started my car.

I slowly backed out of the garage and then closed it as I drove off headed to the park.

The drive was quick since the park wasn't that far from the house.

When I got there I parked in the parking lot then got out.

I got Mason out of the backseat and he was so excited and I could tell he wanted to run off.

I closed the door and locked my car then took my son's hand.

We walked over to the playground and when he saw his friends he ran off.

I walked over to the nearby bench where Serena and Katie were sitting.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey girl," Serena said.

I sat down beside Serena, as Katie was texting on her phone.

"Everything ok Katie?" I asked.

"No. My ex wants to introduce his girlfriend to our daughter," Katie said.

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