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Right after he said that I was looking at him in a different light.

When he said that I realized that this meal might not be a free meal after all but instead it is a trap to lure people.

Looking around I then notice that the diner was void of people.

"Yeah, it is a free meal. Is there something wrong with that?" I ask.

"No, not all." He stares at me, all of sudden having nothing to say to each other.

"So, Uhm, why is the place deserted?" I ask.

"I had rented it out for myself. Just wanted to be alone for once." He responds.

There was an awkward silence surrounding us. The tension between us seeming to skyrocket every second, from flirting and just sharing of laughter to now this.

In one quick movement, he was out of his seat and being the person I am I was out of my seat, slowly backing away from the situation.

"You know, I'm actually here on a job, Rodger Sax to be specific," He watches me tentatively, slowly stalking me. I know he is just wants me to mess something up, but I know Rodger is dead and he wouldn't be the first to want to come back for me.

He stops walking.

"No, I'm lying, I was actually sent by Marko. You know, his son Marko." I momentarily stop, I knew this shit would come and bite me in the ass one day, and apparently that day is today.

"Oh, so you do know the name, and here I thought I'd have to explain it to you." I continue to walk backwards. This is not my boyfriend that I was talking to minutes ago, but this man, this man looks familiar. I've come across this type of personality a thousand times. Even I know it by experience, because even I, I'm like this when I'm on the job.

Xavier is an assassin.

I notice the lack of space around me and I had passed the door without noticing so I do the next best thing.

I throw a punch, faking a right and deliver a punch to his gut. I know my punch is hard, it would leave a slight bruise, but he doesn't seem effected and he was quick to retaliate.

He throws a punch to my jaw, I stumble back, having not have anticipated it. Anger runs through my veins, I make quick work on him. And whilst he was able to block some of my punches, I bring my leg up, landing a solid roundhouse kick to his abdomen.

As he struggles to gain his balance, I move forward again, cornering him, I deliver a series of punches to his face. But all of a sudden he kicks me off, sending me into nearby booths with sheer force.

I land with a grunt on the floor hard.

Xavier breaths heavily, "You coming with me no matter what, Kiana, so give up." Hearing him say that a surge of adrenaline shots up, I stand up.

"No." I state, firmly.

"Babe, I really don't want to do this." I almost melt.

But almost is the keyword.

He advances towards me, sending a another punch to the jaw, which I narrowly avoid, ducking down his chin with my elbow.

Not giving him time to recover, I go around him, with so much force, I knee his face.

With the force I put in the assault, he lands on the on the ground.

Xavier is so out of it I decide it's my time to go.

I walk away, leaving him there knowing that he will gather his strength sooner or later, but before my hand could reach the handle, he shoves me, following the shove comes a kick to the rib, sending me falling. My head hits the edge of the table, following that my head smacks the tile.

My eyes roll to the back, black dots appearing in my line of vision, before I lose consciousness Xavier bends to my level.

"I'm sorry babe, I wish it didn't have to come to this." He picks me up bridal style, walking out the door going to wherever direction.


That was...intense. I don't know how to put it. And they just started dating😭😭. Tell me your thoughts guys, I can't be the only feeling...like this!😭😭

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