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I run into the cafe hoping that I'm not too late, "Hi, is it too late too late to collect that free meal?" I ask, walking further into the room."

He opens his mouth shaking his head, but before he could say anything he is interrupted by a voice I know very well.

"Kiana?" I Look up upon hearing my name, and the face in front of me shocks me to the bone.

"Xavier," I ask shocked.

I run towards him, jumping midway as I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

Oh God, I never thought I'll ever be wrapped in his arms again.

I pull away from his arms but stay in arms length, "Oh, my goodness, what are you doing here?" I ask, my face so wide with a grin. I probably look like creep smiling this wide, but I don't give a shit. I'm happy right now.

"Oh, my dear, Kiana, you still don't know how to great even now." I roll my eyes at his usual statement as he bends down to my level and captures my lips in a kiss.

God, I missed how his lips felt on mine.

He pulls away from the kiss, "Come on let's go sit down."

"Let me just quickly order first," I pull away from him going back to the counter. "Hi can I please have a latte, 5 pastry and a slice of chocolate cake on the side." I finalize.  "Oh, and give him the same thing as well." Once he has typed in the order he leaves to prepare it.

I sit opposite him in the small booth as I want to just memorize his handsome face. "Now you have to tell me what you doing here. The last time I saw you was on the island." I sensually say the last word.

He catches on what I did but he chooses to just answer me. "Well, I'm here on a job actually." He says.

"Well, are you succeeding?" I ask leaning forward,  he could say the most simplistic and boring thing ever but I'd still find it interesting. Him interesting.

"It's going great so far."

The counter boy coming towards us, placing my order in front of me and Xavier's order.

"Thank you," We stimulously say.

Nodding, he walks away.

"Listen, Kiana." He says leaning forward, his hands brushing my own. "Since the last time I saw each other I haven't stopped thinking about you." He draws circles on my hand.

"It's good to know that the feeling is mutual," I say, a wide smile on my face, interlacing our hands together.

"I know there is usually a process that people follow before actually making it official, but what do you say we make it official right now?" He asks.

"I say you like me and I like so why not." I say.

"Are you saying what I think you are saying?" He grins.

I roll my eyes because I know he knows what I meant. "Let's be official, Xavier," I say, my face so wide with the biggest grin ever.

"Well, babe, I say we should seal this with a kiss." He stands up pulling me with. Once up he pulls me flush against him capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

I pull away from the kiss taking my place back in the booth.

"How have you been since I last saw? What have you been doing?" I take a bite of my pastry and sipping from my latte.

I briefly update him on what I've been doing and what I've been up to in a while.

"Oh, you just got back from Russia?" He asks, seeming weird all of a sudden.

"Yeah," I take a bite of my cake. "I got back two weeks and 2 days ago." He looks at me weird, a emotion flickering in his eyes, but before I could assess what it is it passes.

"When did you leave?"

"On the 6th, at night time." I swallow my latte.

"So you heard about that Rodger Sax guy?"

I swallow my last pastry, "Yeah, I heard. Such an unfortunate death." I drink the last sip of my last latte.

"You know he actually died on that night." I breath out a sigh, he keeps on pressing the Rodger issue.

"Let's just stop talking about death or Rodger Sax and let me just enjoy my free meal." I continue to eat to my cake.

He drops his fork abruptly, staring me in the eyes.

"Wait, did you just say a free meal?"

"Yes, a free meal," I say slowly, my eyes dart down to the last meal I have on my plate. I then remember the email I got. The email I received didn't have the cafe's trademark stamp but I didn't notice because of the "free meal I had won." What I realize then and there is that this meal isn't a free meal but is a trap.



Hey my loves❤❤

Don't hate me, I know they just started dating and now this is happening before they are even far in their relationship. I'd hate me too but you guys can't. You just can't. We just have to hope for the best🤞🤞.

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