Run That Shit By Me Again| Bucky Barnes

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All of the Avengers (plus Bucky) were placed in the formal room for some important meeting tony had held

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All of the Avengers (plus Bucky) were placed in the formal room for some important meeting tony had held. Tony was talking, but you really weren't hearing it. You were zoned out of the conversations, and thinking about your own problems. A jolt from the table woke you up, and you snapped out of your headspace to see Bucky with his head down sadly, Steve and Tony standing up about to jump each other, and the rest of the Avengers yelling from their seats.

"He needs to be held accountable for his crimes, Steve." Tony states. You piece everything together and realize they're talking about Bucky. You roll your eyes and stand up too, joining the chaos.

"Everyone shut the fuck up." You speak just high enough to where they could hear you. They instantly quieted down.

"Tony and Nat. What do you think?" You asked as calmly as you could.

"We both think that bucky needs to be held accountable for his crimes." Natasha states firmly again.

"My issue with that is, you want Bucky to be held accountable for his crimes, when you weren't."

She snaps her mouth shut.

"Bucky was never in control of what he was doing. HYDRA made him a walking fucking puppet, while you were very much in control of what you were doing." You place both hands on the table and stare Natasha in the face.

"As for you tony, I can't believe you're saying he needs to be held accountable when you weren't. You literally almost ended the world, but fuck that huh? Everyone forgets when you do it because your rich. Well I got new for you, pal. You just like the rest of us. If Bucky needs to be held accountable, then you do too."

"He killed my mother." Tony says through gritted teeth.

"And? He didn't know what he was doing. Plus, you killed the twins' mother, and they forgave you. You didn't even apologize, but they still forgave you." At this point you were walking around the room.

Tony keeps his head down.

"Clint was brainwashed by Loki, and everyone welcomed him back with open arms and happy ass smiles. So I really don't get what the problem is."

Everyone stayed silent.

"The twins were even apart of Ultrons mass destruction against the world, but you gave them a chance and now here they are."

"Anyway, point I'm tryna make is this: if Bucky gets held accountable for his crimes, then tony, Nat, Clint, and the twins should too. You say you're all about justice and fairness, when you're not being fair to a person who deserves it. And that's fucked up."

"Are you done yet?" Tony asks, looking up at you. Annoyed by your entire speech.

"See, I was about to sit down but now that you're rushing me I'll add another part. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. Y'all mad over some bullshit that could've been resolved. Tony, just forgive. If you really wanna blame someone for your moms death, blame HYDRA."

You return to your seat by Bucky and put your legs up.

Hi! I know it's been a while since I've updated, and I'm sorry about that. I wanted to make this into a separate A/N, but I know most of you wouldn't read it so I made a chapter.

Im revamping the book. Im remaking almost all of my beginning preferences, so you might have to go back and read the book over, and for that I'm sorry. I have a lot of things planned for this book, so just wait a moment because it will take a while.

I thank all of you for your patience.

As you know, school is starting. My new school year starts on august 7th I think, so this book will slow down a bit. I'm working to get all my school stuff at the moment, and once I start school I need to get in the rhythm of things so I'll work out a schedule.

Thank you.

-Lex, with my no updating ass.

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