You Break Up

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He was always down in the lab. He seemed to never have time for you, and every time you attempted to say something, he always tried to defuse the situation by saying, 'I'm saving the world. What more do you want from me?' Eventually, you got tired of it. You packed your bags, and wrote out a note and left it on your side of the bed. Your side of the room was completely bare, all accept for the note.

You wanted to make it as discreet as possible. You went down to the lab, as normal when you told tony you were leaving to go somewhere, and told Tony you were going out for a while.

He replied with barley even a head nod that left you rolling eyes. You opened the door and didn't look back.

"Sir. Miss Y/N has been gone for a while."

"It's fine, JARVIS. I'm sure she'll be back."

"Sir, it's been 9 hours," the AI replied back.

This made Tony look up from his station. He was confused.

He got up for the first time in days, and went up to your shared room. We he walked in, he saw nothing, and that's what scared him most. Not the familiar scent of vanilla. Not the colors from your closet, and not the light from the bathroom. All that was there was a simple piece of paper.

It read, 'Tony. I can't do this anymore. You have neglected me to the point where it doesn't even feel like we're together anymore. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've had enough. It seemed that you're doing great without me, seeming as you've never really paid attention. Goodbye, Tony. I'm done.'

Tony felt the water pool behind his eyes. He sat on your side of the bed, and put his head in his hands.

"What have I done..?" He whispered quietly.

Peggy. Peggy was the reason you left. It was always Peggy this, and Peggy that. It. Was. Tiring! He criticized the way you fought. "Peggy would've tucked her elbow," he'd say.

The way you cook,"Why's your food so spicy? Peggy would do it better,"

And the way you handle missions, "Peggy would've went into the building first, instead of moving the civilians."

You were tired of it. You were training. There about twenty people in the training room. You were punching a punching bag, trying to get your times up.

"Peggy would've done that quicker," he spoke.

Suddenly, you started punching harder. Each punch moving the bag farther and farther back. The rusty chain squeaked each time. He kept mentioning Peggy. You could tell everyone was trying not to listen in, but it failed. You were zoned out at the moment. Punching. Punching. Punching.

If he said another thing about Peggy, you were for sure going to flip the fuck out.

"Peggy would've had a tighter punch and tucked her elbow." He spoke once more.

It seemed like everything was in slow motion. With a sharp yell, you punch the back once more. You. Flipped. The bag toor and flew off the chains. That was micro considering the anger you felt.

"I am tired of you! You're always comparing me and I'm tired of it. Now, you have no one to compare Peggy to, because I'm done!" You blew a fuse.

Steve looked hurt. "I'm still getting over that. I thought you would understand my loss." He says, looking like a kicked puppy.

"No! You're not about to play victim. I've been neglected by you for months, and you have the nerve to act like a victim? I'm done here, Steve." You speak, already walking out of the facility.

No inspo. Might change later. Any ideas?

Oh please. We all know Peter wouldn't do anything.

She was always with Clint. At times it seemed like Clint was her boyfriend, with how much she left you. She'd always choose to go on missions with Clint, instead of you. Sometimes, she even cancelled date nights to go to Clint. Once she cancelled one year anniversary because it was Clints birthday.

Every time you'd bring it up she'd sigh and say, "Clint is my best friend." And change the subject.

You had enough when she blew you off to go help Clint. When she'd got back to the tower that night, your bags were already packed, and there was almost no trace that you had ever been in the room.

You confronted her right when she opened the door.

"I'm done, Nat. You continuously blew me off for Clint, and I'm tired of it. I'm sick of coming second place to Clint, and I'm your girlfriend! Goodbye, Natalia Alianova Romanova."

She was shocked, and hurt. It was understandable, though. You'd left, and it was all her fault.

He continued to push you away. He pushed you away because he was afraid of hurting you. Then one day when you wanted to confront him, he got mad and yelled about not getting any space.

The both of you were arguing as he packed his bags, and you continued to argue when he slammed the door in your face. It didn't sink in until the quietness of the house quickly consumed you. He was gone. He walked out.

You sunk to the floor and hugged your knees, and choked sobs escaped your lips.

He left for Asgard. It was understandable. They needed their king.

We were in a field. He gave one last smile.

"Goodbye, Y/N." he says.

"Goodbye, Thor." You say.

He kissed you one last time and held your cheek.

"I will be back before you know it. We will resume the flame that burns bright upon my return." He says.

You could do nothing but smile against his palm. He turned around, and in a flash of blinding color, he was off.

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