Dating wanda includes

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-being baffled by her powers
-her smiling a lot
-hugs galore
-almost murdering tony because he makes joke about you two
-her being broken when pietro dies
-being best friends with Clint and Steve
-her being in awe when you do your hair
-being the moms of the team
-her wanting you not to go on missions because she wants you safe
-synchronized periods
-tony locking the both of you into a closet
-her teaching you Russian
-sex, magic is amazing
-everyone on the team saying since you've come around, Wanda has been more open and smiley
-her almost murdering another agent that stared at your chest and but while you were giving instruction
-wearing her jackets
-wearing basically everything that she owns
-her being insecure
-you being insecure
-stealing Tony's credit card
-Tony, Clint, and Steve are your dads
-Thor and Wanda having newfound friendship
-everyone being shocked when she came out
-everyone being shocked when you came out, that's when the shipping started
-having two cats named, Tiny and Gray
-having fun

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