You kick them in their no-no square

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You and tony were working across from eachother. A desk was in between you two, and the both of you sat in chairs on opposite ends. You got board, and started to kick your legs out while working.

Soon, all you heard was a soft groan. Tony makes a puffy face and falls off his chair. You become alert at this action, and run over to his side to aid him.

"Oh gosh! Are you okay?" You ask, checking him over.

"Babe... please don't kick your legs out like that when I'm in front of you." He says, groaning.

Sparing with Steve was something that you greatly enjoyed. You only ever won once in a blue moon, but it was fun nonetheless.

Today was no different. You and Steve were sparing. He had you pinned, and was smirking in your face. You close your eyes and groan. You shake your arms free and kick your legs up to stand quickly. You opened your eyes to see Steve on the ground, groaning in pain.

He was clutching his balls, and was squeaking in a high pitched tone.

"Steve? Are you okay?" You asked crouching down next to him.

He squeals in response. "I'm fine..." he squeaks out.

Hah. That's a joke. We all know what would happen if you did that.
(Should I stop doing Bruce? I feel like no one really reads him. Let me know!)

You were laying on the couch with Peter, watching The Greenhouse Academy. The both of you were cuddling, and he was slightly on top of you. You try to move your feet to yell at the tv. You hit something moving your feet but you brush it off.

"Come on, Daniel! Stop being a dick towards Alex, and work together to beat Whitney!" You speak to the tv.

You notice Peter is silent. You turn to him and notice he's red in the face, his checks are puffed out, and he's gripping something under the blanket.

"Are you okay?" You ask, concerned.

"I'll be fine, babe." He squeaks quietly.

You were out in the fields with Thor. He was teaching you how to use mjolnir. You took turns swinging, and he was showing you how to get a grip. Eventually, you were practicing on your own with Thor at your side.

You decided to use more force in your swing, and the hammer collided with something. You looked to see what it was, and you were met with Thor clutching his balls in pain.

"Maybe.. we should.. stop.... for the day.... my dear." He squealed.

It was midnight. You and Bucky were tangled together in bed. You happened to be having a nightmare.

You were mumbling in your sleep, and Bucky had awoken at the your sounds of distress.

"Doll?" He asks softly.

He got no reply. He decided to leave it alone after you stopped for a moment. You started up again, and started kicking around the bed, your food came into contact with something, and moments after there as a loud thud, mixed with metal clinking on hard wood.

You woke up to that sound and fixed your bonnet.

"Buck?" You asked leaning over to see him on the floor writhing in pain.

I hope you guys like my new covers, and please comment if you want me to keep Bruce or not.

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