Chapter 23: The first round: Lily vs Ume

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On the same night where she was pushed into that police car after threatening her former family, Lily broke out from her holding cell and escaped. In her blind rage, Lily couldn't remember where her former family had lived in and simply stalked the streets. Getting into one fight to the next with nearly anyone who even looked at her the wrong way. At some point, Lily took refuge on a boat and fell asleep on the lower docks. When she woke up, Lily found herself at a large island. Turns out the boat she choose to sleep in was a delivering boat. Lily took one look at the large building and knew that a place like this, should have a lot of money or at least something valuable to steal.

Lily snuck out of the boat and made her way inside. She stopped at a courtyard and muttered out a curse. She didn't know where to even begin, the layout was gigantic and she didn't know which room to start stealing. Before Lily could take a step further, Loggs suddenly came in and grabbed her from the back of her shirt. He demanded to know who she was and what she was doing here. Lily surprised him when she swung her leg back and strike him underneath his jaw. Lily got out from his hold and ran off. She didn't get too far as she bumped into someone else.

She landed hard on the ground and looked up at the person who she had bumped into. Ready rip their face off. Standing above her, a beautiful, young woman stared at her with eyes mixed with curiosity and sympathy. In Lisa Lisa eyes, she was a rabid, wild animal in human form. Lily glared daggers at the woman with malice. In one swift action, Lily sprang up to attack the her but Lisa Lisa fell to her knees and pulled Lily into a sweet, comforting embrace. Lily was shellshocked as she sat there while Lisa Lisa held her close and said, "That's enough. It's alright... don't let rage rule your life."

The full moon shone bright captivating the arena in its soft light. With their hundred vampire army below them, Kars, Wamuu and Ume stood on top of the high beams of the broken ruins with Lisa Lisa below them. All were waiting patiently for Joseph and Lily to bring back the stone and Tundra's descendent. Fortunately for them, they didn't have to wait any longer as the two Hamon users arrived just in time. Joseph showed them the Red Stone of Aja, and to prove it was the real thing, he lit up a match and held it up to the stone.

Just like when Lisa Lisa had demonstrated before, the stone unleashed a powerful beam into the sky. Wamuu, Kars and Ume jumped down from the beam and were pleased with the stone being real and not a fake. "It's genuine and what of Tundra's descendent?" Kars asked Lily. The cobalt-eyed girl glared at him. "If you're talking about Phoebe, I've taken care of the bomb." She told him bitterly. Kars narrowed his eyes at her. He told her to bring her back to him but he shouldn't mind it all that much. He didn't think it mattered, after all once he obtained perfection he'll get her himself and the offsprings she'll give him will be converted in his image.

"Very well. We accept your proposal. We honour you by fighting one-on-one." Kars announced. Ume and Lily sent daggers at each other. Both making a vow to either break the many bones in their bodies or kill the other slow and painful. 'That bitch is so dead..!' They thought. Lisa Lisa gave a curt nod before walking towards her students. Joseph handed her the stone...along with the picture frame, catching her off guard and confusing Lily. "What's that?" She asked.

Lisa Lisa held up the frame and gave a half smile. "I supposed this means you saw the photos and you like to talk about it right?" Lisa Lisa said to Joseph. "Actually, I had intended to discuss with this with you anyway."

"Start with who you are." Joseph said with all seriousness in his voice, confusing Lily even more. She had no idea what was going on, but she decided to remain quiet and listen in. Lisa Lisa lowered her head as she held the photographs close to her. To this very day, Lisa Lisa will never forget the story that was told her to her. The story about what happened on that boat and the people who she owed her very existence and survival too. Lisa Lisa knew that no matter what she did, she could never repay her debt to her.

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