Chapter 3: JoJo and Lily vs Straizo.

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After gunning Straizo down with his Tommy-Gun, Joseph wiped away his tears before he shot a glare at Straizo's body and gave him an ultimatum. "Straizo! I'm going to give you a choice on how you want to meet your demise! Will it be plain old sunlight or Hamon! Or I could smash in your brains, how would you feel about that?!" He shouted as he entered through the shattered window. The people who had all managed to survive his rapid fire were, understandably, panicking and screaming. Saying that Joseph was planning to kill all of them.

Lily jumped through the window right after him and gave a whistle at the place. "Mamma mia, what a mess you've made here." She said. Smokey came out of his hiding spot and immediately began shouting at Joseph's sudden violent gunfire on, in his eyes, some random guy and shooting up the entire cafe. "JoJo, what you...?" Smokey began to say as Joseph walked towards a table and picked up a coffee cup. "Did you lose your mind? Just look at what you done!" Smokey turns to the girl beside him, who was treating this a normal as Joseph was, and asked, "Lady, did not see what this guy had done?!" Before Joseph took even take a sip of the coffee, the cup fell off, leaving Joseph to hold just the handle. Joseph sighed as he gazed over at the cafe.

"Yeah, I know. It'll take a small fortune to fix everything in this place." Joseph said. Lily just shook her head and reassured him, "I'm sure they have enough to cover for this place, beside it definitely needed the remodelling. That wallpaper was hideous." Smokey was in shock at these two. Were they both insane?! That wasn't even the main issue at this very moment!! "Not that! You just shot a person!"

"Person?" Joseph scoffed at that. "You mean Straizo?" He bent down to pick up one of the bullets. He noticed that all of them have strange dents on them, they were completely wrapped. Glaring her eyes at Straizo, Lily took off her hat and handed it to Smokey. "Listen, you strike me as a good kid, so you best get your butt out of here, now." She tells him. Smokey looks at her in confusion as Joseph said, "That thing that I shot? I can only hope that he was a person, and if he was, I'll happily go to jail without thinking twice about it."

Smokey was getting even more confused by the second. "Wha..? I don..! What else would he be?" He sputtered out. Smokey let out a yell as Lily suddenly held him up by the back of his shirt and jacket, and proceeded to carry him out. "Hey, what are you doing?!" Smokey asked. "Keeping you from dying, that's what!" Lily tells him as she carefully tosses the young teenager outside the cafe while Joseph walks over to shut up a pair of screaming, crying girls. "Can we please stop the crying, I'm trying to think here!" He said as he grab hold of one of the girls' shoulder and had her look at him. "If you don't calm down, I may have to make out with you."

"Oi dipstick! Quit flirting and focus, he's not dead yet." Lily told Joseph as Straizo, as expected, recovers from Joseph's attack and lifted himself from the floor. Seeing a man, apparently, rise from the dead, caused everyone to scream and jump out of the broken window. Leaving the three remaining occupants alone. Straizo glares at the two Hamon users as he digs into his right leg and removes a bullet. 

He then tightens his body around and all the bullets burrowed inside were blasted out. "Dio's failure was in his infatuation with his own power. He just couldn't resist constantly pushing his own limits. He stretched himself thin, allowing Jonathan to strike him." Straizo said. Giving a smirk, he continued. "But I have a different philosophy. I figure I'll have plenty of time to reflect on the extent of my powers after you're destroyed alongside that girl as to not leave any loose ends. There will no mercy for either of you. I thought it would be appropriate to open up with a technique that Dio used to kill Jonathan."

Joseph glared at him and pointed his gun at him, planning to shoot him again. However, when he pulled the trigger, he found it to be completely empty. Lily rolled her eyes at him as she charges at Straizo. The vampire was slightly taken off guard by her speed and knocked back by a solid punch to the face. Lily threw her punches as quick and precise as a skilled boxer would do, her Hamon was practically glowing off her body with every strike. Lily grabs Straizo by the shoulders and knees him in the stomach. She then spins around and elbows them in the stomach. Lily jumps back as she gathers her Hamon energy. Once she was powered up, she had planned to reduce Straizo to ash, but the vampire won't give her that chance.

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