Chapter 12: Feeling...scared

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Now that Joseph had survived the Hell Climb Pillar, he had...other pressing matters to attend to. Joseph chuckled as he loosen up and staring directly towards Lisa Lisa while they stood at the very top floor of the tower. "Hello again Coach! I bet you thought I was done for huh?" Joseph said. "I want you to know that while I was clinging to that pillar for dear life, I had time to think to myself, 'HOW SHOULD I EXACT MY REVENGE UPON THAT WITCH!?!'" He shouted at her.

While he was going on and on about the ways he could get back at her, his friends' expressions rang from amusement to an eye roll to genuinely being surprised. 'That's interesting. I didn't think JoJo would be the type to hold a grudge like that.' Caesar thought to himself. Lisa Lisa wasn't paying no heed to Joseph', threats and just stood there in silence as he rages on. "Which will it be, coach!?" He shouts. Then suddenly Lisa Lisa tosses Joseph a water-filled with it falling upside down. Joseph had caught it and instantly he saw that his Hamon abilities had greatly improved as he was able to hold the water up this time.

"I-I-I'm doing it! I'm really doing it! I'm holding the water in the cup while it's upside down!" Joseph said, obviously getting happy about his improvements. He wasn't the only one, Caesar, Lily and Phoebe were all proud of Joseph and how far he had come in just three, excruciating, days. Joseph's inherit talent was incredible but Lisa Lisa's Hamon training is even more so. For the second time with her, Joseph's anger tone took a complete 180 and went down on his knees before her.

"Forgive me coach! Please, I'll do whatever you say! You've got to give me more training, I beg you, please!" Joseph says to her. "You'll see what I can do! I'll overcome anything!" This brought a smile to Lisa Lisa's face. He really had grown. And for that she was proud. Lily let out a scoff as she sat railing. "Well that ended pretty quick didn't it?" Lily said. "I didn't think he'd able to hold a grudge for very long." Caesar says as he looks at Joseph's kneeling form. Phoebe let out a small giggle. "JoJo's such a simple soul."

"Oh don't worry JoJo, I've got plenty more for you." Lisa Lisa tells him. "I will train you into the ground."

"Thank you coach!" Joseph says to her. "Your next three weeks here are going to make the Hell Climb Pillar look like a cakewalk." Lisa Lisa said as a hand came from behind Joseph and stuck it's finger into the water, catching Joseph by surprise. "Who the hell do you think you are, sneaking up on me like that?" He said, turning his head to look at the person. Caesar and Lily gasped in shock when they realised that two men had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Phoebe recognised them and smiled. She was beginning to wonder when they'll show up.

One man was a tall muscular man with short hair tied into a ponytail and a Fu Manchu moustache. He wears a long hat, a sleeveless tunic, and armbands. The other was an equally tall, muscular man with chiseled features and somewhat glazed eyes. He wears a tunic, an over-sized fez, and armbands. Loggs and Meshina. Lisa Lisa's finest servants.

Loggins took the cup away from Joseph and held it up, both cup and water, with just one finger. He then keep the mass of water in a glass shape despite taking off said glass. This high level of skill surprised the four students. "Whoa! Who are these guys?" Joseph asked. "He's made the water move like pudding." Caesar said.

"I would like for you to meet two of my finest servants. These men will be your new instructors. Say hello to Meshina and Loggs." Lisa Lisa said, introducing them to the others. They heard her, but they were so focused on what Loggs was capable of doing with the water. "I...I can't even imagine how to do that." Caesar says.

"Would you like to learn then?" Loggs asked them. They took a second before looking up at their new teacher. "Didn't you hear me ask if you wanted to learn how to do this?" Loggs asked them again.

A Golden Lily and A Joestar, Fight Against the Bizarre Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें