Chapter 8: Great evil has awoken

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Once they reached the hotel, they had a small moment to unwind for a while. Caesar had told them earlier that they had to wait something later tonight. Night rolled in and everyone gathered in a lounge. Caesar jumped into the air, and in a cool fashion, sat down in his seat perfectly relaxed. Lily stretch her arms over her head and sighed in relief when her back cracked. She then performed a front-flip and landed right on her seat cushion. Speedwagon and Joseph had sat in their seats like normal people, the boring way.

Joseph gave Lily an exception for her stunt, but he gave Caesar the stink eye the whole time for his way of sitting down. 'Honestly, just who does this jerk think he is!? Grand standing like that just to sit down in a chair..! I really can't stand people like him. If only I had a technique like his Bubble Launcher, I'd be able to teach him humility then and show Lily just how cool I am! I have to get stronger with my Hamon!' Joseph thought to himself. He then leaned back in his seat and was a little calmer than he was prior. 'But training is always such a hassle.' An idea popped into his head and he began shuffling the deck of cards. 'Let's how our little friend handles a game of chance.' Joseph thinks as he started to pass a few cards to Caesar's way.  

Caesar's eye caught a glimpse and said to Joseph, "I saw that, JoJo. Deal the cards right. Only cowards cheat." Joseph gave Caesar a questionable look and continued to pass over the cards to him. "Huh? Whatever do you-?" Joseph said before Caesar quickly shut him up when he quickly reach over and grabs his wrist. "Deal the cards properly, Joestar, or play elsewhere!" Caesar shouted as he shakes Joseph's wrist, causing about a dozen cards to start spilling out of his sleeve. Lily gave a long sigh as she held her head. She knew where this will lead to.

Joseph had gotten embarrassed and blushed a feint red. "Huh... fancy that. Well, that didn't work!" He laughed humorously. Caesar let out a smug scoff as he sat down back in his chair. "Pathetic. You should be ashamed that you have to resort to cheating and gimmicks to beat me!" Joseph wasn't buying that crap from the Italian man and then said, "You really are serious about cleanliness," He pulls Caesar's leg onto the table, where a small mirror was placed on top of his shoe. Lily facepalmed. Yup! She knew it. "This mirror is spotless!" Joseph yelled.

"STOP PROVOKING ME, JOESTAR!" Caesar shouted as he stood up from his seat, fist ready for a fight. "OH, I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED!" Joseph shouted back. Lily let out a growl and stood up her chair so fast that it fell over. "KNOCK IT OFF TU FIGLIOLICI!!" She yelled as she grabbed both their heads and slammed them against the other. "OW!!" The men cried out. "Shut up and play game fairly! And quit acting like brainless idiots, you're adults!" Lily tells them. Speedwagon sighs as he took a sip of his drink and watches in silence as the three are arguing amongst themselves now. But he let out a small smile as they reminded of him of his youthful days with Viola and his mates.

Soon a knock came at the door and a voice spoke through. "Hello..?" The fight had stopped as the two Hamon users looked back at the door, while Caesar was frozen stiff and his face was turning all kinds of red. "Hey, Phoebe. Is that you?" Lily called out. The door opened up to reveal a beautiful young woman. She had short midnight-blue hair that's brushed over her shoulders, ocean-blue eyes, and pale skin and had fourteen freckles scattered on her face. She wore a black robe, with a large hemline on the front, and which exposes her arms, back, and her belly. She wore a pair of blue pants and black knee-high boots with white high heels.

"Oh my, is this a bad time?" Phoebe asked. When she was walking over here, she heard a lot of shouting and was worried that they were in a middle of a fight. Lily laughed and shook her head. "Nah, just Caesar and JoJo acting like dumb kids." She told her. Phoebe tilted her head as she shifted her eyes over to the British man, she then smiled at him and walked over. She held out her hand to him and said, "So you must be Joseph Joestar. Lily told me a bit about you. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name's Phoebe Belladonna."

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