Chapter 13: Water and Lightening strikes part 1. Esidisi attacks!

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In the far, long forgotten past.

Hundreds of bodies were scattered about the field. They had tried to fight back, but their adversaries had proven to be much more stronger than they had anticipated and were mercilessly cut down. Somewhere within a pyramid, Kars looks to his Stone Mask and a red stone. "The spines that this mask uses can pierce a human brain. However, they don't yet have the strength to probe our immortal brains." Kars tells Esidisi.

"The solution is finding more power." He said as he held up a red stone near the candle light in the room. The little flame had grown attached to the stone and was pulled over to engulfed the stone within the fire. The stone itself emitted a strange red glow and in an instant fired a beam clean through Esidisi's hand. "Ooh. That's that now?" He asked.

"The mortals called The Red Stone of Aja. Its power is of a particular interest for our kind." Kars said. This little stone can refract light at least a billion times. The end result is light of incredible purity and strength. This amplified light holds power untold. But," Kars nearly shouts as he glared at the mask and stone in his possession. "This one won't do." Kars knocked the mask off the table and into the pile of other failure masks.

"This little red pebble isn't large enough. We need more capacity and strength in it." Kars said as he crush the stone to pieces beneath his fingers. "To complete our mask we need a red stone that is large and utterly flawless. We need a super Aja. Once we have that, we will conquer the sun and then become the final perfect step in evolution."

Back to the present.

"The mask were invented by the oldest Pillar Men among them and his name, is Kars." Lisa Lisa tells her students as they stand on a balcony, explaining to them how the creator of the Stone Mask, Kars, is seeking a gem known as the Red Stone of Aja to power the Stone Mask and become the ultimate life-form. Hearing Kars' name shocked them, not only because he created the mask, but because that he may just be the most powerful one out of all of them.

"Kars, Esidisi and Wamuu crossed the Atlantic in their search for a suitable super Aja." Lisa Lisa tells them as the assistant of hers came walking towards her. She was a young woman of average height and build, with blond hair that she keeps tied in a white headpiece with two roses on each side, a short-sleeved dark blue dress with a white apron over it decorated with light blue polkadots and red, low-heeled shoes. "There you are Suzi Q." Lisa Lisa says as she turns to her. Suzi Q was holding a plush, purple pillow with a necklace resting upon it.

"Señora, here. Just like you wanted." She tells her with a cheerful smile. "Thank you." Lisa Lisa says as she takes the necklace off the pillow and shows it to her four students. It was a gorgeous, crimson red stone attached to a silver case with a few gems on the side. "You see this. What I have in my hand here is a natural, perfectly flawless stone. A super Aja."

"Whoa!!" They all shouted in unison as they marvelled at the stone. "You've carrying the Red Stone of Aja around?" Joseph asked her in surprise. Lily was momentarily impressed by Joseph and smiled at him. He was breathing through that mask as if it was nothing. Lisa Lisa holds the stone up to the sun above them the sun's rays entered though the stone as it began to glow brighter and brighter, till in the centre, a small cross appeared. The four young Hamon users felt a frightening chill run down their spines as their instincts were telling them that something big was coming.

And it did. The Red Stone of Aja turned the sunlight into a powerful laser ray and they quickly jumped to the side as the ray broke right through the solid stone floor. "The warriors of Hamon were wiped out by the Pillar Men. This stone narrowly avoided being taken thanks to a brave, unknown man and now I have been given the honour to be its guardian." She tells them. Caesar was shooting daggers at the stone, staring at it with hate since it had connections to the Stone Mask and the Hell it caused. He clenched his fists in rage and grit his teeth to keep himself from flying into a rage.

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