Chapter 22: A love transcending time

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"That's why you should take extreme caution whenever you're around other people. You'll only be filled with regret and guilt. Please believe us, we want you to live a normal life with love and warmth. Promise me dear?"

"I promise father..."

"I can trust you. If anything happens to me, please take care of my son."

"I promise..."

"Phoebe... You.... you are-?!"

"I'm so sorry! I never want you to see me like this...!"

"What do you want me to do...?"

"Promise me....if I start to lose control and attack any innocent people... Then Lisa Lisa... I want you to kill me."

Phoebe's ocean-blue eyes slowly opened and her vision was blurry and couldn't make out her surroundings. She had to blink a few times before her eyes cleared up. It looks like she was back at the cabin and since she was awake. That meant...she didn't die. Phoebe didn't know if she should should calling a blessing or a sick joke. How could she still be alive? Someone like her didn't need to exist in this world. She struggled a bit, but she pulled herself into a sitting position as she tried to remember what happened.

The she felt something gripping on her hand. She turned and nearly gasp in shock to see Caesar there right beside her. He laid his head on her bed and held her hand as he sat on his knees. Phoebe felt her heart go and mangled itself. It swelled as if filled with love that Caesar was by her side, but it also twisted in grief that he was here. Why can't he just forget his feelings for her? Caesar deserves someone much better than her. Someone who is actually human and not a blood-sucking monster?

While Caesar didn't know this yet, but when she ran away from the orphanage, it was on one night where she had nearly bit into Caesar's neck while he was sleeping. Phoebe hoped to get as far away from human civilisation as possible so she wouldn't do something she'll regret. Eventually she heard rumours about an island off the coast of Venice and decided that would be the best place to be since it would far from other humans.

Unfortunately it wasn't as abandon as she would have wanted. Instead she met Meshina, Loggs, Mario Zeppeli and Lisa Lisa. Lisa Lisa had sensed the potential she had in the way of Hamon and decided to take her in and train her. It was only about three years until the truth came out. When a couple of thieves tried to mug Mario, Phoebe had just...reacted and froze them on the spot. Fortunately, she had quickly called back her ice and Mario swept her up, running away before anyone would noticed. Mario didn't say anything about what happened until later that night when Lisa Lisa caught her feeding upon a rat, draining it of its blood.

It was then that she told them all about her heritage and how much she hated herself for being a monster. And when she made Lisa Lisa promise to kill her if she ever lose control of her humanity.

Phoebe gazed sadly at the young Italian man and ran her fingers through his hair. Thinking about about how big of an idiot he was when he was brought out of his sleep. He opened his eyes and quickly shot up when he saw that Phoebe had awoken. "Caesar, are you-?" Before she could finish that sentence, Caesar sprang up and wrapped his arms around her. Bringing her close to him in a tight embrace. "Thank God! Thank God you're okay...I was so worried about you." Caesar said as he held her in his arms.

He pulled away and held her face in his hands, taking a good look at her. "How do you feel? Does anything hurt?" He asked.


"Don't worry, I bet that JoJo and the others must've brought us here. Once we're both healed up we should go back and help them." Caesar said as he looked around the room.

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