Chapter 18: Sad and lonely children part 1

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"The building on top of that hill is the address Esidisi put on the package." Lisa Lisa explains. Meshina looks through a pair of binoculars and added, "It looks like the abandoned corpse of a shutter hotel."

"Pretty grim description there, Meshina." Lily says. "Anyway, from the looks of it, no doubt it's the perfect hide out for Kars during daylight hours. Every door and window is boarded up, no sunlight could get in there."

"That's got to be it. I'm sure Kars hides in there during the day. I bet he's just sitting inside waiting for Wamuu to show up." Caesar says as he eyes at the hotel very closely. "Alright, so what's our plan of action? We can't be too reckless around them." Phoebe asks as the feelings of uneasiness began to overtake her. She wasn't liking this one bit. Caesar noticed her saddened expression and stepped up to wrap an arm around her. "That's a no brainer, we should attack now!" He says.

"I agree. Kars can't go outside as long as the sun is up." Meshina says agreeing with Caesar's idea. "And that gives us a tremendous advantage." Phoebe thought about it and believed it made sense for them to attack now, so she gave Lisa Lisa a nod. Normally, Lily would've fully agreed with them and say something like, "I'm ready to beat the bastard and the Ume bitch into the ground!" But she didn't. Lily thought that maybe the idea was a little too risky and by getting to Kars this way might be more difficult than they're being lead to believe. Though, she wasn't the only one who thinks so.

"What do you think?" Lisa Lisa asks Joseph, turning to him. The emerald-eyed man gazed at the hotel for a while before saying, "Sorry but...I have to disagree with you." That made everyone turned to him as if he had lost his mind. "You're looking at this wrong. I think it's more dangerous to attack when the sun is up." Joseph said, beginning to explain himself. "Just think about it, Kars has been living like this for thousands of years. He wouldn't have survive if he had left himself defenceless during the day."

"Oh please!!" Caesar shouted in anger at him. Worried about what he might do, Phoebe quickly grabbed his arms in an attempt to hold him back from doing anything rash. Setting his outburst aside, Joseph continued with his thoughts. "Walking into his hideout and trying to take him down right now would be suicidal. I'm not going to do it. It would be like a bug walking into a spider's web on purpose."

"Ha, come on." Caesar says. "JoJo, this isn't like you. Are you scared or something?" Lily gazed down in sadness before she walked up and stood beside Joseph, confusion Caesar. "Lily..?" He says. "I'm sorry big brother. But I have to agree with JoJo on this, the plan sounds too risky." She tells him with a heavy heart. Lily hardly ever goes against Caesar. He was her most cherished person and was the first one to bring her colour into her life, and she'd always been his loyal little sister since they were kids. So this, greatly bothers her.

"I think I'm going to Sun Tzu's advice this time, "Only engaged in a fight when victory is assured." Like I said, I'm not going in." Caesar's anger flared up and bypassed Lily and gripped on Joseph's scarf. "Oh yeah, so you're chickening out!?" He yelled. "I'm not afraid. I'm just thinking straight. I've got a cool head unlike you. Caesar, we have to wait for it to make his move first." Joseph tells him with a steady voice.

"And assured victory is what you want. Kars' all alone there, it's him against all of us! That's a six to one advantage. We have to strike now before Wamuu or those other two fighters arrives cutting that in half!" Caesar shouts at him. Lily and Phoebe quickly tried to intervene and pull the two away from each other. "Caesar, please! Relax yourself." Phoebe tells him. "Brother, you're not thinking clearly. Just think about it for a minute." Lily says.

"Calm down, don't go off all crazy now." Joseph says as he takes Caesar's hand off him and pushing him back a bit. "Try and keep your head together. Just focus and think it through. If we go now, he'll cut us to pieces. You can't approach this half-cocked."

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