Chapter 10: Toxic Engagement. Master Lisa Lisa Appears

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'Now that I've painted myself into a corner here, I need to come up with a second part of my plane. Which would be...' Joseph thought to himself as he takes Wamuu on a mine cart ride through the ruin. Wamuu then laughs at the young Joestar. The unflappable hero, he calmly searches for options, not knowing what to do next, but his will remains unbroken.

"JOJO!! LILY!!" Speedwagon yells as Caesar and Phoebe runs downs the tunnel, going after their fellow Hamon users. "Damn that JoJo, he's in worse shape than any of us!" Caesar shouts as he wipes his face clean from the blood. "It seems that JoJo's way of thinking is far more unpredictable than we were lead to believe. No wonder Lily had spoken so highly of him." Phoebe says as the two kept running.

Caesar grit his teeth a bit as he began to think, 'I should have been the one to lure Wamuu away...! I see now that JoJo only acts foolishly to confound his opponents. He must actually have a good plan to beat those monsters! As much as I hate to say it...but Lily was right. He might be a good strategist.'

As the mine cart traveled fast throughout the ruin, Joseph was trying to get his breathing in working order as Wamuu stands above him. Despite standing on top of the mine cart, the fast pace railing had not thrown him off balance. "Although you are quite confident for someone who is knocking on Death's door, I must tell you that your plan is a poor one." Wamuu says. "You're quite tough, I'll give you that. Soft-headed, but tough nonetheless." He then jumps down onto the cart and leans close to Joseph's face. "Tell me. How do you remain unyielding in the moment's before your death. Is it because you have bricks for brains or do you still have another trick for me?" He asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Joseph asks in return. "Actually no, let me guess." Wamuu says with a smile and points at the young Joestar. "Because you're so obviously clever, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn't be stupid enough to be holding a stick of dynamite behind your back."

He totally was!! Damn it! 'Damn! He's on to me!' Joseph thought as Wamuu continued on. "And I know you wouldn't insult my intelligence by thinking you could quickly throw the break and send the mine cart flying off the tracks. Maybe like this!!" He shouted as he kicked the breaks in. And because of the uncontrolled speed the cart was already going, the wheels gave out a horrible screech as it flew off the railing, sending them flying. 'Damn! He got me there too!' Joseph thought.

They eventually crashed through and found themselves on the outside. The wreck had caught the attention of Kars and Esidisi, who were both waiting for Wamuu. Joseph laid on his back as Wamuu walked over and stands above him. "The time on your hourglass wrist is just about up. There is absolutely no chance that you will survive this any longer." Wamuu says. The stick of dynamite was still ignited and near Joseph's reach. "I found your tricks to be very...quaint." Joseph's eyes were filled with courage and unquestionable strength. "Before you die, tell me, why do I still not see defeat in your eyes?" Wamuu asked him.

"I'll tell you if you want but you're gonna have to say 'please' first." Joseph said, irritating Wamuu for the last time. "More games? You've tested me long enough, prepared to die." Wamuu says as he moves in with the intention to kill Joseph for his insolence. However, just before his finger reached Joseph's throat, the young Joestar said something that would allow him to see tomorrow.

"Such a shame. Because a month from now I can guarantee that I would be able to be able to destroy you." Joseph said. This halted Wamuu's finger as he stared down at Joseph with a questionable look. "What was that?" He asked as he pulled back. "With just one more month of training, I would annihilate you. I was the first person to hit and as well as the first to scar your face. When I put my mind to something I can accomplish pretty much anything." Wamuu was silent when Joseph spoke and without giving him a response, Joseph shrugs his hands and turns his head to the side, seemingly accepting his premature death.

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