Chapter Thirty-Five: Begin Again

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When Stacy returned home, she felt empty. Hollow. Charlie and Keke stayed with her through the night, bringing her food barely touched and water barely sipped. Stacy couldn't bring herself to engage in their conversations, instead she stared straight ahead at the walls she had meant to paint months ago. The next morning, she woke up on the couch with a sleeping friend snuggled against her on either side. She set aside the blanket Charlie had draped over her the night before and went to her closet, grabbing every tube of paint, paintbrush and tool she could find.

* * *

Charlie and Keke woke up to a small crash. Keke blinked hard out of disbelief. The walls that had been plain white the night before were transforming into a symphony of color. The smell of paint fumes was burning, but Stacy didn't seem to mind. She ran around the room, searching for bare spaces to add a backdrop to. Keke slowly approached her.

"Stace, are you doing okay?" she asked. Stacy looked at her like she was crazy, "Do you want some breakfast or. . ."

"More paint," said Stacy, returning to her scattered work. Keke turned to Charlie, who stood mesmerized by the room.

"Charlie?" said Keke slowly, "Will you get us some coffee and donuts from the Gem?"

"And paint," added Stacy.

"And some paint," said Keke. Charlie nodded and headed out to the cruiser with Keke's keys. When Charlie returned, Stacy gladly ate three donuts and drank two cappuccinos. Once Keke and Charlie were sure that she was going to be fine on her own, they left together. During the next couple of weeks, they dropped by twice a day with food for Stacy. She would eat with them on the porch, but wouldn't let them come inside yet.

* * *

"Are you ever going to finish your special project?" asked Charlie one warm autumn day. Stacy shrugged and took another bite of her sandwich.

"Are you ever going to finish yours?" she asked. Keke's brow creased in confusion.

"You mean our wedding?" she asked. Stacy nodded, "The date is set, Stacy. I sent you an invite, remember?" Stacy's face was blank. "The 15th?"

"Oh yeah," she said, "and I'm the maid of honor, right?" Keke looked concerned.

"Yeah, sweetie, you are," she glanced over at Charlie. Stacy began to laugh.

"I'm just kidding," she said, "Of course I remember when your wedding is. When do you want me to start ordering flowers? I found a really cool place that ships them cheap from Seattle." The conversation settled in and the three continued to make plans for the upcoming occasion as the red sun set over the wall of Washington mountains.

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