Chapter Ten: Late Night Visit

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After dinner at a local pizza place, Keke decided to turn in early, leaving Stacy with an open night. She decided to spend a quiet evening reading at the Hidden Gem. Stacy checked her wallet to see if she would have enough cash, before hopping into her car. On the drive over, she thought about how checking her wallet was an old unnecessary habit that wouldn't die. She smiled at the reminder that with her newfound wealth she would always have spare change for coffee.

Stacy entered the Hidden Gem and immediately noticed Charlie at the register, drumming on the counter with a pen. He looked up and waved her over.

"Do they ever let you leave?" asked Stacy. Charlie shook his head.

"I like it here. It never gets too busy and I can see all my friends whenever I want. Plus, I get to hear all the best gossip," he said, "Also, I've lived upstairs in the apartment next to Bernie's since my parents moved back to Mexico. This place is home. . . I get my best song ideas here. Now, what'll you have?"

"Can you throw together something warm that won't keep me up all night?" she asked. He nodded and began preparing her drink.

Stacy looked at a wall of posters for local events and noticed the flyer for the open-mic, "Speaking of songs," she said, "I convinced Keke to come with me to the open-mic night." Charlie stopped mid-pour and turned to Stacy.

"Really? She's coming to see me perform?" he asked, "I mean, obviously she's not just coming to see me. That would be dumb of me to assume that. There's plenty of other acts that night. I don't know why I said that—" Stacy cut him off.

"Woah, there. Slow down," she said, "She's coming to see you play. . . along with other acts of course, but mostly for you." Charlie shuffled his feet and returned to preparing her drink.

"Alright! Here's a nice oolong tea with a sprig of mint to help you sleep and to get rid of that cough I heard earlier," he said, handing her a warm mug, "Do you really mean it? I mean about Keke coming?"

"Yeah, I mean it; so you'd better get to practicing," she said, taking her drink to the reading nook across from Drake's.

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