Chapter Thirteen: Seattle-Bound

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By the time the weekend arrived, Stacy felt settled into her new home. Her house was arranged exactly how she wanted, minus the gaping spaces left for her new furniture. Keke pulled up to her house early in the morning and honked. Stacy stumbled out her front door, shoving a jean jacket onto her arms.

"Did you remember to measure your spaces?" Keke asked as Stacy slammed the car door shut.

"Yep, I have them all written down. I'm Seattle-ready."

* * *

One seemingly short road trip later, Stacy and Keke arrived in Seattle. Keke swerved through traffic aggressively, honking at every opportunity she got.

"I love Seattle," she said calmly while blasting her car horn, "I don't have to be 'small-town friendly' here." Stacy nodded as the truck lurched ahead. She leaned forward and stared up at the enormous Space Needle, and shuddered at the thought of being up so high.

"Do you want to go up in the Needle?" asked Keke.

"Nope, too high. Not a chance," she said, shaking her head rapidly.

"Memo received: Stacy does not like heights. Got it."

After parking on a steeply sloped hill, the girls walked down to Pike's Market. They wandered through the shops, looked out at the views of the Great Wheel towering over the ocean, and flinched as a giant fish flew past them to be caught by a young boy. Looking across the street, they noticed the giant mass of people lining the cobblestone streets outside of the original Starbucks.

"A little more crowded than the Hidden Gem, huh?" said Stacy, "I guarantee you there isn't a single Seattle local in that line."

"Yeah, you're probably right. It's a total tourist trap," Keke replied.

"All of those people, waiting an hour for a cup of coffee." Stacy replied.

"Seems kind of silly, huh?" said Keke. The two stood silently, staring at the line.

"So we're going in, right?" asked Stacy.

"Oh, definitely," agreed Keke, grabbing her arm in the crook of hers.

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