Chapter Two: Hidden Gem

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Stacy was momentarily stunned into silence by the quaint coffee shop. The outside of the building had been particularly curious with steps leading off a cliff to a practically hidden building overhanging the dense Washington forests. Once Stacy entered the building, she was charmed by the comfortably lit hideaway. Keke had reached the coffee shop before Stacy and was sitting at a table near the front when she walked in. She waved her over and stood to greet her.

"Come on! My white hot chocolate with caramel drizzle is waiting!" Keke said in a hurry as she grasped Stacy's arm and began to walk.

The entirety of the inside walls and floors were a dark worn-down wood. Lining the doors and walls were tangles of vines contrasting the deep brown of the interior. To her right was a giant round window draped with weeping-vine plants, and hanging from the ceiling were more mismatched succulents and ferns than Stacy could name. On the right was an old fashioned diner counter with a classic chalkboard menu and cherry red barstools. Keke brought Stacy to the counter where two men, one young and one old, stood.

"Evening Charlie, Bernie," Keke said, "This is our mysterious new townsperson: Stacy." The young man with the dark hair and dark tan complexion seemed to be Charlie and the old black man with thinning hair and a welcoming grin responded to Bernie. Stacy was unsure that she had the two's names straight. Charlie (she hoped) leaned forward with a crooked smile.

"Welcome to the Hidden Gem, Stacy. I've never met anyone famous before," he said, "What brings you to a backwoods town like Caribou?" Stacy fumbled for words, stunned by the young man's forwardness and his implications that she was famous.

"Stacy is looking for a fresh batch of inspiration, Charlie," Keke said, "Do you serve that here?" She winked at Charlie who laughed sheepishly at her quip. Stacy raised an eyebrow at Keke.

"Well, young lady, look no further!" Bernie said from the back, "If it's inspiration you're looking for, you've found a bucketful!" He posed with his arms behind his head and his leg delicately lifted behind him. The two girls laughed, and Bernie shook his head in humor.

"Now what will you two really be having today?" Charlie asked, order sheet in hand. Stacy put her hands on her hips and glanced at the menu.

"What's good here, Charlie?" she asked.

"Well, I personally like the chai latte best, but Keke only drinks the white hot chocolate with a drizzle of caramel" he said, showing Keke's order already written on the pad. Keke pretended to look offended.

"Now, what if I was going to get something different today? I try new things," she said.

"You're predictable. I know you too well," he quipped.

"Oh yeah, well today I won't be having the usual. I'll have. . ." Keke hummed lightly to herself as she stared down the menu. Charlie folded his arms and tapped his foot lightly. He glanced at his watch and sighed.

"So, can I make that one 'Keke special' and a chai latte?" he asked Stacy. She nodded, stifling a giggle, and handed her credit card to Charlie.

"Enough of this uggo," Keke laughed, "let's go meet the town!"

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