"Caleb and I haven't really talked about it," I said.

"Maybe you two could so something overseas or tropical," Mrs. Atwood said.

"Well I loved our trip to Fiji..." I said.

I remember that's the first real family trip Caleb and I went on with his parents and Cecilia. It's also the trip where I revealed to him that I was pregnant with our second child. It ultimately ended up being the trip where we had gotten back together too.

"It'll be winter when we get married so I think something overseas sounds nice," I said.

"Maybe France... it's such a romantic place," Mrs. Atwood suggested.

"Yeah France sounds nice. Bryson and I went there on our first wedding anniversary," Leslie said.

We ate breakfast and had good conversation. It was nice having this girl time.

After breakfast it was time to hit the bridal shops.

We spent the whole day going from shop to shop.

I tried on some beautiful dress but nothing wowed me.

Nothing felt like it was my dress.

When we got to the last shop there was this gorgeous gown on display in the middle of the showroom.

I was in awe and I hadn't felt like this about any dress earlier in the day.

"It's gorgeous," I said as I looked at the gown.

"We just got this in from Paris. It was handmade and is one of a kind," the worker said.

"Can I try it on?" I asked.

"Sure," the worker said.

I went into the dressing room and the worker got another worker to help her get the dress down off the display.

They came into the dressing room with me and helped me get into the dress.

Once it was on I felt like finally I'd found my dress.

I stepped out of the dressing room and walked out to where everyone was seated.

"What do you all think?" I asked.

"You look like a queen bitch!" Cheyenne said.

I smiled.

"Mom... do you like it?" I asked Mrs. Atwood.

I saw her tearing up.

"Oh dear you look stunning. My son will be a mess just like I am when he sees you walk down the aisle in this," Mrs. Atwood said getting emotional.

I myself was starting to tear up thinking about the long road it took Caleb and I to get to this moment. I'm going to become his wife in just a few short months.

"I want this dress. This is my dress," I said sure that I'd found the perfect dress to marry Caleb in.

"We'll take it," Mrs. Atwood told the workers.

I smiled as Mrs. Atwood came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Thanks mom," I said as I hugged her tight.

"I'm so happy to be gaining you as a daughter Zoey. My son is lucky as well as my husband and I," Mrs. Atwood said.

"I'm the lucky one. You're so great to me and have welcomed me with open arms," I said.

"Enough crying you two. We wouldn't want to ruin the dress," Cheyenne said interrupting us.

"She's right. We'll let you go change," Mrs. Atwood said as she let me go.

I smiled happily as I went back into the dressing room to change back into my clothes.

I was one step closer to having everything I needed for the big day.

Author's Note: Zoey found her wedding dress and Caleb fired Angela! Caleb set Angela straight but now has to tell Zoey about their little encounter....

Below I added a couple photos of Zoey's Wedding dress! Enjoy :)

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