As the roar disables Ithnan's, Princess Dunya's and Isaac's movement. Alibaba took the opportunity and went straight ahead to attack Isaac, using his sparring experience with Sharrkan as he dismembered Isaac's arms and leg.

Aladdin, on the contrary, asked for the help of the rukhs as they started to gather, creating an orb and shooting it towards Princess Dunya and latched itself onto her body before dragging her towards to wall, trapping her in the process.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) started to grow tired as the ancient dragon that she had cast into colourful rukhs, ' I'm leaving this to you guys. ' She tiredly thought before her entire body shuts down and drops on the floor, unconscious. As for Aladdin and Alibaba, they heard something drop, causing them to turn around and had their eyes widen when saw (Y/n) laying on the floor, motionless.

" (Y/N)!/(Y/N)-SAN! "

After Ithnan recovered from the screeching roar, he turned his attention towards (Y/n) and saw her lying unconsciously, " You are truly magnificent, O'Ruler. " He smirks as he continued, " But you will all soon witness the power of the dark metal vessel! "

" You sick bastard! " Alibaba shouted while he glared at Ithnan.

" Awaken! " He commanded, swinging his staff that was emitting electrical blue light onto Princess Dunya.

" ARGH!! " Princess Dunya screamed in agony as she was having back flashes of her memories and the massacre that happened in Musta'sim as she broke herself free before she slowly into her human form while wearing revealing full body armour.

" Behold! The Dark Djinn Equip! "

" D-Dark Djinn Equip? "

" I'm sorry for my unladylike appearance, " the princess said with a sickly sweet tone as she continued, " For now, I shall fight you in this new form of mine. " She gave an evil smirk as she flew up before she charges towards the two boys with her long spear. Luckily, both Alibaba and Aladdin manage to avoid her attack.

' I can feel sharper and stronger power coming from her now. I'm sure if I use my borg, it won't hold against her strike. ' Aladdin thought while kept running before he quickly took a step back when he saw Princess Dunya was aiming for him.

Meanwhile, Alibaba ran towards (Y/n) to check on her condition, " Please be okay, " Alibaba murmured as he kneels next to her, ' She's pale. ' He worriedly thought, biting his bottom lip before he heard Aladdin yelling for help, causing Alibaba to peer his attention towards his friend.

" Aladdin! "

He was about to leave (Y/n)'s side until he stops at his tracks, realising that he needs to keep (Y/n) safe from harm, ' I can't leave (Y/n) by herself but, Aladdin needs my help! '

Currently, Alibaba was torn between two of his two friends and can't decide who should he help when he heard a faint voice, ringing in his head.

"̷ ̷F̷o̷l̷l̷o̷w̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷h̷e̷a̷r̷t̷,̷ ̷A̷l̷i̷b̷a̷b̷a̷.̷ ̷N̷o̷t̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷h̷e̷a̷d̷.̷ ̷"̷

Alibaba listened to the voice as he finally decided what to do, he carried (Y/n) before he ran towards Aladdin to get him out from the chains that Princess Dunya had to trap him.

" HYAH! "

Alibaba cut the chains, making them disappeared into fine dust, setting Aladdin free.

" Thanks, Alibaba! " Aladdin thanked him when he saw Alibaba was holding (Y/n) in his grasp, making sure she won't fall before Alibaba glanced over his shoulder and said, " It's 2v2! Let's do this, Aladdin! "

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