Red and Gold

582 33 2

The Judge

As shock filled my entire being, the human falls to the ground. And standing behind the dead corpse is someone who I have been dying to see. Or, well, dying to be seen by. My brother

"Papyrus!" I shout, trying to get off the floor. I have never wanted to see anyone more than I do now. But I didn't think I wound see him like, this. He looks scared, no, horrified. His eyes not leaving the human in front of him. Concern is written on my face as I slowly make my way over to him.

As soon as I step over the corpse, he meets me eyes. His tear streaked face reflects my own. "Sans." He says, relief slowly growing into his expression. He makes the rest of the way over to me. And before I know it my legs fall out from under me. My bones shaking due to such a exhausting few weeks. But instead of dropping to the floor he holds me in a hug, carefully lowering us both to the blood covered hallway.

I he didn't have to do that to save me. And I know he is thinking the same thing. But I can't help but let myself think one selfish thought. One that creates a heavy sense of guilt. I would want my brother to end all the humans if it means he can save me. And the fact that he already took one human's life, sends me down the spiral of tearstained sadness.

"Sans, you're going to be okay now. You're safe." He says, but I can't hold back the body shaking sobs. I can still feel the bruises from the vines, I can feel the flower resting in my eye socket, I can almost hear his voice. And I am terrified that if I open my eyes, that this will all just be some...dream.

But I know this is real. I can still feel the dust on my hands. And I don't know whether to laugh or be sick. "I'm so glad you're here." I say, into Papyrus's shirt. He relaxes into the hug and replies, "Just don't leave me again, silly bones." His laugh makes me cry a little more. And it takes all of my power to try to stop.

Papyrus, too soon, pulls me back. His eyes reflect the same tiredness I feel. He grabs one of my hands and sees the dust. But he doesn't ask about it, instead he just helps me brush it off. "Everything is okay." He says again. I don't even know at this point if he is saying this for me or for him. But just hearing those words are their own kind of reassurance.

"It will be okay." I repeat. And before I could say anything more, a pain reaches from my soul. Something startling both me and Papyrus. The backwards sensation of my magic pulls at my head and eye. Just like when he was controlling me. Just like when...he had...


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