Lost and Found

523 28 1

The Guard

"Papyrus!" Undyne shouts through the shock. She dashed to my side, letting the human go. She tries to shake me back to reality. And once I come around, her reaction isn't a pretty sight. I see the fear that she has been trying to hide deep down. But that doesn't mean I'm not deep down there with her.

"Are you okay?" She asks, grabbing both of my shoulders. I nod, trying to shake myself out of this numbness. When did I end up on the ground? "Where did the human go?" I ask, panic raising my voice. Undyne looks at me sternly. "You are not going after them. I won't let you." She says, forcing me to sit back down after I try to get up. I still feel the damage taken by the hit, but that isn't going to keep me down.

"Papyrus, if you go, I'm going to have to relive you of your sentry duty...permanently." She threatens. I can't waste time like this, the human might have my brother. "Undyne, I have to go." I argue, pushing against her grasp, standing up on my own. "I can't let you get yourself killed!" She pleads. I have never seen her desperate, and I hope to never see it again.

But it would have to be after I find my brother.

"I'm sorry." I say to her, running of in the snow. It doesn't take long to find the footprints. But since I was out in shock for so long, they could be in the Hotlands at this point. But that doesn't mean I won't stop finding them.

Was it really reckless of me to go so soon? I fight down so many questions as I follow the path. And more pop up as I don't find them in Snowdin. But since I haven't found them yet, maybe I should have gone sooner. All I need to do is find my brother, there is no need to fight.

They aren't in Waterfall. They aren't in the Hotlands. They aren't in the Core.

With each place I scratch off my mental list, the more my frustration builds. And just before I reach New Home, I can't help but worry. I can't help but panic. What am I going to find when I finally see Sans? Does he want to be found? At this point, I don't know what's worse. Him looking at me dead in the eyes, asking why I had come after him. Or...


I march through New Home. I would much rather face the crowds of monsters, than the thoughts inside my head. I ask several people if they had seen a human, and all pointed me in one direction. Along with a faint trail of dust to follow. And if it's a trail of dust that I must walk on, then it is the path I choose to take.

And it led me right outside the doors of the Judgement Hall. I hear silence, sharp and painful. When I walk through those doors, I will find nothing. That was my worst fear. But what I actually saw, turned into something much, much worse.

A human knife in hand, towering over my brother. Ready to strike. My anger runs deeper than anything I have ever felt. How could they do this?! I raise a hand to attack, anger guiding my actions.

An attack that struck them right in the soul.

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