Across the Bridge

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The Guard

Undyne has agreed to join my patrol today. Marching through the snow, I think of routes that I haven't taken. Paths and places that I haven't checked for Sans. I can't help but to think of places he could be, where he could be stuck, lost.

It's been weeks since he had disappeared. I hold my phone in hand, almost to my sentry station. I turn on the dark screen and check for texts. Undyne is on her way. She had told me yesterday that she was bringing a few other Royal Guard members to help with the search. Who they would be doesn't really matter at this point.

I know that we have been searching for so long. And yet, we have found nothing. No sign of where he could have gone or where he could have went. Even Undyne had to ask me and a few others if Sans had any enemies. And with that question, I had to laugh. The Underground isn't that big of a place, I'm pretty sure I would know if there was someone out there who was out to get my brother.

The sight of my sentry station brings me back to the present. So, this last week I had already hit most of the Core and New Home. And I guess today we could check around the Ruins. A place that I had only thought to look through only recently. I just, haven't ever had the need to look there. The job of a good sentry is to always be on watch. On watch for fallen humans or any other threats. And then take them to the Royal Guard for judgement.

Sentries aren't supposed to go looking for humans.

And I guess I'm still not looking for humans, so technically I am still doing my job. The old wooden stand brings a feeling of comfort, of normality. That when today is done, I will walk further down the path and then me and Sans would make our way back home.

But instead of sitting behind the station attentively, I wait in front. Ready to go when Undyne comes. I click the phone on again, and see that there are no new messages since she texted that she was almost here. And in a few minutes of patient waiting, I hear someone approaching from behind me.

"Hey, Nerd!" I hear the warrior shout. I turn around and greet her. "Hey Undyne! I'm glad you could meet up." I say, sending her a small smile. She returns the smile, double the size of mine. "Ah, it's no problem Paps." She says giving me a playfully aggressive pat on the shoulder.

"So, yesterday you said you wanted to check out the Ruins?" She says, getting a head start on walking. "Yeah, I haven't been over there since earlier this week." I nod along, catching up from behind her. "That sounds good man." She says, looking over at me. We are now at a consistent brisk walk. The idea today was to check the Ruins and the forest around it.

It has been a longer week than normal. Each day ticking by slower, as the surprise of not finding Sans is wearing off. I almost feel a horrid question building up in the back of my mind. I have been trying to push it back. Try to forget about it. But some questions just...have to be asked. "Hey Undyne..." I start of slowly and quietly, creating a face of confusion in her face.

"What if we don't find Sans."

Undyne stops dead in her tracks. I stop, shortly after she does. She grabs my shoulders to get my attention. My once diverted eyes, now staring into hers. "Papyrus, we will find him." She says, full of Determination. Doubt and sadness runs into my expression, cracking the carefree mask I once wore.

"But what if-" I start. "No 'what ifs', I won't stop until I find my friend. And I know you won't stop no matter what, until you find your brother." She says, confidence filling her voice. I stare into her eyes, starting to believe more in her words, and in our ability to find him. She stays silent until I agree with her.

But before I can say anything, I hear a sound farther down the path...closer to San's station. I whip my head around just as Undyne registers what I had heard. The echoing sound of a branch breaking shakes my skull. "Come on nerd!" Undyne says to me, as she bolts down the path.

I sprint just to keep up with her. And after a few short moments, I almost run into her. "Undyne, what-?" I start, trying to get in some air to slow my sporadic breathing. She holds up a hand, signaling silence, still facing in the direction of the sound. And right beyond the bridge is a figure.

The subtle silhouette of someone in the distance. And with panicked vision, I blink twice to check what I am seeing. But what my eyes are registering is true and terrifying.

A human.

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